I believe in religious freedom. I also condemn false advertising and those who use it to project a image that is not truthful. Frankly, if the Mormons all want to meet up at Nauvoo and participate in a "magic circle" around Joe and Hyrum's grave sites, or even have a seance to dredge up their supposed spirits with Monson as chief medium - they can go for it! If they want to build an idol in the shape of Joe Smith, stick it in Temple Square in SLC and burn incense to it - that's fine. I have no problem with religious freedom as long as it doesn't violate another's rights. If Mormons want to stand out in Walmart parking lots and try to lure shoppers with their offers to help them put their groceries in their cars, that's their right - and it's my right to go up to those same customers and warn them about the Mormons. However, one thing I really object to is the Mormon deception of saying they are Christian. This is why they are not:

1. Mormons are polytheists, Christians are monotheists. Mormons believe that all gods were once men. Some believe Satan is a "real" god.
2. Mormons believe Jesus is a created being who "attained" godhood in some fairy tale premortal life. Christians believe that Jesus was always God.
3. Mormons believe their "god" grew up on another planet and evolved into a god; Christians believe that God is eternally God, without beginning or end. Isa. 43:10
4. Mormons believe they can become ontologically god; Christians believe that in the resurrection they will partake of some divine qualities, but only God will ever be God.
5. Mormons believe the Church established by Jesus Christ is apostate; Christians believe that Jesus has been with His Church since its inception and will never leave her.
6. Mormons believe the bible is tainted and incomplete; Christians believe God has preserved His Word through all generations.
7. Mormons believe that a combination of faith in Mormonism and works saves a person; Christians believe they are saved by God's grace through Jesus Christ.
8. Mormons believe that they have Jewish priesthoods - the Aaronic and Melchizedek; Christians believe that all believers and kings and priests to God.
9. Mormons teach that the Book of Mormon must be prayed over to determine if their cult is true. Christians believe that that book does not contain Mormonism at all.
10. Mormons believe that gods, men and angels are all "one species.' Christians believe that God is species-unique, there is none other like God, Who is Spirit.

These are just some of the problems with Mormon claims that they are Christian. They are not, and to advertise themselves as Christian is simply deception! Don't be tricked into believing Mormonism has anything to do with Christianity. They may use Christian words, but they have redefined them. Mormonism is not Christian, and is in fact, a restoration of pagan ideas and idolatry.