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    Senior Member
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    Default Deadly Dissent

    Sometimes reading Mormon history leaves one feeling so disgusted that one shakes one's head in despair. To think that MURDER could be equated with Christianity. It's basically incomprehensible to a true Christian. But in the Mormon system, murder of apostates (linked to Brigham Young's Blood Atonement Doctrine) has been well researched. One investigative reporter of the 19th century, a man with impeccable credentials and of noted fame, Horace Greeley, in 1860 estimated there was evidence of 75 murders of "apostates" from Mormonism in that year alone! (Mormonism, Ankerberg and Weldon, pg. 400).

    One very sad and documented case was of a Baptist couple (actually a pastor and his wife) who spoke of the utter joy they had after being baptized into Mormonism. These zealous converts decided to travel to Utah and join the Mormon community, but when they did they did they were absolutely disgusted with what they saw that they apostatized and left the Beehive kingdom for England. They, along with another dissenting Mormon couple, were three quarters of the way to the Missouri when they were attacked by "Indians" (one of the favorite tricks of Mormons was to pose as Lamanite/Indians when doing their murderous deeds, as we've seen by researching the Mountain Meadows slaughter). The murderers were soon exposed by dissenting Mormons who later revealed that the "taking off" was at the order of Mormon leaders. (Ibid.)

    Bill Hickman, Brigham Young's and Orson Hyde's "Destroying Angel," finally came clean about his deadly involvement in the murders of many "apostate" Mormons:

    "The Danites were an organization in the Mormon church. Its existence was stated by Bill Hickman in his confession made to me. He gave me the names of more than a score of its active members, among whom were a number of reputed notorious Danite ******ins. He stated that the members were bound by their covenants to execute the orders of the priesthood, and that when a direct order or intimation was given to "use up" anyone, it was always executed by one or more of the members according to the circumstances of the case. That such an organization existed is conclusively shown by the numerous mysterious murders which were never investigated by the executive officers of the Territory, or any attempt made to prosecute the guilty parties. The Mormon sermons, the confessions of Hickman and Lee, and numerous other circumstances made plain its existence. Hickman confessed to me that he personally knew of thirteen persons having been murdered, some of them by him, and others by various Danites; that at one time he murdered a man by the name of Buck at the personal request of Brigham Young. Hickman's statement of this affair in his published confession is substantially the same as given to me, in fuller detail,...

    "I remember distinctly that Hickman in relating that occurrence to me, said that Buck, when he was shot, sprang out of the wagon, and while he was struggling on the ground, Meacham dismounted and drove his bowie knife twice into his body. He was up to this event the sole survivor of the Aiken party, who were murdered by Porter Rockwell and his ever-ready ***istants at the 'point of the mountain' on the road to Lehi." (Reminiscences of Early Utah, pages 150-151 by R.N. Baskin)

    Fanny Stenhouse relates that a friend of hers who was supposedly in "apostasy,' was told by a Mormon bishop that he'd think no more of killing "you are any other miserable Apostate" than killing a cat. Mormonism, Ankerberg and Weldon, 401). This is the type of hideous details of life under Brigham Young in Utah that make one shudder.

    According to the Mormon's second prophet (and apparent would-be chief executioner) Brigham Young:

    "I know, when you hear my brethren telling about cutting people off from the earth, that you consider it is strong doctrine; but it is to save them, not to destroy them....

    "And further more, I know that there are transgressors, who, if they knew themselves, and the only condition upon which they can obtain forgiveness, would beg of their brethren to shed their blood, that the smoke thereof might ascend to God as an offering to appease the wrath that is kindled against them, and that the law might have its course. I will say further;

    I have had men come to me and offer their lives to atone for their sins.

    "It is true that the blood of the Son of God was shed for sins through the fall and those committed by men, yet men can commit sins which it can never remit.... There are sins that can be atoned for by an offering upon an altar, as in ancient days; and there are sins that the blood of a lamb, or a calf, or of turtle dove, cannot remit, but they must be atoned for by the blood of the man." (Sermon by Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, pages 53-54); also published in the Mormon Church's Deseret News, 1856, page 235)

    And, lest people conclude that these murders were solely at Young's orders, remember the case of former Governor Boggs of Missouri, an official who pursued Joseph Smith for treasonous acts against his state:

    "On June 27, 1844, the day Joseph Smith was killed, William Law recorded in his diary: "He [Smith] was unscrupulous; no man's life was safe if he was disposed to hate him. He set the laws of God and men at defiance."2 Law is referring here to both theattempted murder to himself and others.3 For example, the Laws believed that Joseph Smith played a vital role in the attempted ******ination of Lilburn W. Boggs.
    On May 6, 1842, a gunman shot the ex-governor of Missouri, Lilburn W. Boggs, through a window at his residence in Independence, Missouri. Two bullets penetrated his head and a third lodged in his body; miraculously, he lived. Almost immediately, suspicion fell upon Joseph Smith being involved. The governor of Illinois, Thomas Carlin, wrote Joseph Smith a letter saying that it was common knowledge that he, "had prophesized that Boggs should die a violent death."4 John C. Bennett, an ***istant to the first presidency of the church at the time, also wrote: "In 1841, Jo[s]e[ph] predicted or prophesied in a public congregation in Nauvoo, that Lilburn W. Boggs, ex-Governor of Missouri, should die by violent hands within one year."5 George M. Hinkle, in a June letter to Smith added, "Denying your having prophesied the violent death of Boggs wont do, too many people have heard you[,] myself among the rest."6" (Mormon Think: )

    The evidence is too abundant for the Mormons to whine and scream "foul." No, folks, Mormonism's hands drip with the blood not only of the innocent men, women and children slaughtered by Mormon priesthood holders disguised as Indians at the Mountain Meadows site, but with that of possibly hundreds of others who were victims of the vile and gory doctrine of Blood Atonement - that a man has to pay with his own blood for certain sins, that the Blood of Christ will not suffice.

    In one strange way, Brigham Young was right. The Blood of Christ will not cleanse the sins of those who hold to the blasphemy of Mormonism: "god" is an exalted human being; Jesus is the brother of Satan; salvation by a combination of works and faith in Mormonism; Mormons will be "exalted" and become gods and goddesses ruling over their own planets. Mormonism has nothing to do with Christianity, and in the end the Mormons, themselves, have condemned their own persons to eternal death by denying the Blood of the Biblical Jesus. The "blood" of Satan's brother (the Mormon Jesus) will never cleanse one spot of sin away!

    For further reading:

    Info. on the slaughter at Mountain Meadown where Mormons murdered 120 helpless men, women and children:
    Last edited by Apologette; 12-15-2013 at 03:11 PM.
    Oath formerly taken by Mormons promising not to reveal secret Mormon temple rituals: "Should we do so, we agree to have our breasts cut open and our hearts and vitals torn from our bodies and given to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field."

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