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Thread: The Wheat Imitated by the Tares

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    Senior Member
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    Default The Wheat Imitated by the Tares

    Today we live in the End Times, and we have many cults competing with the Gospel: Scientology, Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, New Age Mysticism, Eastern Theosophy, Unity, Universalism, Arianism, Swedenborgianism, and not the least, Mormonism. Each of these groups denies that Jesus Christ is God the Son Incarnate. Each hates the Trinity and mischaracterizes it! Each is parasitic on the Body of Christ, pretending to be Christian (to one degree or another); using Christian terms like "God, Jesus, Gospel," but imputing to those terms their own strange definition. Our area of the country, settled and populated by Native Americans, ranchers, miners and hippies, with vast expanses of land and large distances between towns, became home to many Mormons moving West. The Mormons settled and their communities sprouted up - their meeting houses were built and they sent out missionaries to spread the "word" of Joseph Smith. These communities are old now, and are often shared with "gentiles," (Anglos and Hispanics) who have not integrated into Mormonism. Catholic missions still ring their bells, and little Baptist and Pentecostal Churches dot the hillsides, testifying to the fact that the Gospel has not been smothered by Mormonism.

    Today in Church (Calvary Chapel) the pastor taught on these verses:

    Matt. 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

    25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

    26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

    27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

    28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

    29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.

    30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

    This got me to thinking about "tare denominations." Our area is sprinkled well with heretical groups, each claiming authority, each claiming to be the "truth," but which widely diverge from the core doctrines of Christianity. We have several Kingdom Halls, a Swedenborgian Church with a New Age bent (believe it or not), Unitarians (for the progressive "elite") a Christian Science "reading room," which stands strangely quiet, pictures of Eastern gurus promising special meditation techniques plastered on downtown windows of strange little stores catering to tourists who want a taste of hippy life. We have our Branhamite Oneness groups, along with Apostolics. And then we have our Mormon meeting halls. Three or four spread out across the large county. We may have some Mormon fundamentalists living in the area, but mostly they are further south toward Mexico.

    Other than the extreme New Agers (with their reggae hairstyles and hippy-type hair styles), and Apostolic and Brahamite women who must wear their hair long and never wear slacks, most people looks very similar. Jeans are the uniform of the natives, and flannel shirts for men and sweaters for women (in the winter). We all mingle together in the grocery stores, the clothing stores, and few of us visit all the art galleries in town that cater to the arts and crafts crowd of touristas! Just a typical little Western town, which on Sundays becomes very segregated. Why?

    Because Christians are worshipping the Triune God in Christian Churches. They are hearing the Gospel preached, and praying for guidance. They are fellowshipping one with another, sharing love and blessings with those with whom they share a common faith and Spirit. Yes, the "wheat" denominations are located throughout our area - each teaching about Jesus, celebrating the death and resurrection of Christ as we share in Communion, listening to God's Word preached from the pulpits, and their spirits rejoice as God's Word plants seeds in their lives, bringing forth fruit.

    On the other hand, there are the "tare denominations." Based on Matt. 13 above, we can see that they may "look like" Christians. They claim to do good works and to produce "fruit," evidential of the truth they claim to have. They dress up and try to look like the wheat! "We are wheat, we are wheat" they may claim, but a closer look reveals that they although they may look similar to wheat, they are, in fact, not wheat at all. The substance of the tares is spiritual poison. By eating it, you will not be nourished, but will be chewing on toxic "meat" that will poison one's soul with eternal death. "Look at our Jesus, look at our Jesus," they'll cry out - but when you look closely at him, he is "another Jesus." Why look here at the Urantia websites (a new age cult with another word and "another Jesus"): How many going to that website would be confused into believing that the Urantia cult is simply another Christian group? Sorry, it is a deceptive tare!

    So, in short, Christians need to learn to identify wheat groups from tare groups. Here are some of the things a Christian can look for:

    1. Does the group use extra-biblical "revelation?" If it does, flee.
    2. Does the group teach that God is a Triune Center of Being, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is a wheat church.
    3. Does the group carefully teach Biblical truths and warn against going beyond that which is written? (Groups like the Episcopal Church, for instance, believe and teach as truth things which are totally contrary to the Bible). Wheat churches reject unbiblical teachings.
    4. Does the group teach that it alone has the truth and that all other Christian Churches are in error (Churches of Christ, for instance, do this). Many tare groups teach that they are the exclusive source of truth.
    5. Does the group try to add something to Christ's Blood for salvation: obedience to the group; various works (Romans); belief in new "Apostles," etc. If so, you are in a tare group.
    6. Does the group surround itself around a single spiritual authority who controls the flock (i.e., Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, Swedenborg, David Koresh, etc.) This is a hallmark of the tares.
    7. Does the group believe it has a "standard of holiness" which sets it apart from all other Christians? (This may not be cultic, but is divisive). Strict separatist groups like Old Order Amish have turned to legalism. Christians live in freedom, not licentiousness.
    8. Does the group stand strongly against mingling with those who bring "another gospel?" Or are they willing to "compromise?" Christians take a firm stand on the truth of Scripture.
    9. Does the group teach that the Only Way of Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone? Does it renounce syncretism? These are wheat churches.
    10.Does the group's worship center upon Jesus Christ and not men? The wheat glorify only the Triune God through Jesus Christ.

    Christians will always uphold Jesus Christ as the most important Person in their worship and preaching. For Christians, Jesus does not share His central place with Joseph Smith or Brigham Young or Thomas Manson. And Christians will exist side by side with the "tare denominations" until the Lord returns and destroys all false worship - but the Christians He will gather into His barn! Maranatha Lord Jesus.
    Last edited by Apologette; 12-15-2013 at 04:20 PM.
    Oath formerly taken by Mormons promising not to reveal secret Mormon temple rituals: "Should we do so, we agree to have our breasts cut open and our hearts and vitals torn from our bodies and given to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field."

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