Quote Originally Posted by James Banta View Post
Good solid Trinitarian doctrine. Three separate persons, one God.. That is a long way from the teaching of Joseph Smith as he said there are three persons and three Gods.
First Christ the "became" the author of Salvation...and learned obedience though the things which he suffered. Now had could Christ, become something or learned something if he was God the Father? Not To mention he "learned, line upon line and precept upon precept. Also, who was the God he cried out too on the cross, and obtained an equal heir. Not to mention he defines what on means in John 17...as he prayed that if God willing, let this cup p*** from me. He was praying to his God, also at the Tomb he said, "...go and tell my brothers, that I go to my Father and unto your Father, under my God and unto your God". All from the Bible...please your "A" game.