Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
The part that comes after the "but..." is where people seek to justify themselves.

Its like when Jesus talked about being a good neighbor....People want to find a way to justify their own thoughts and past actions, so they point fingers and ask, "Was he MY brother?", "Who is MY neighbor?"

(In other words, we seek to justify ourselves by turning the question around and into one where we get to judge others. - Are THEY my brother?...Are THEY my neighbor?)

The idea is that if we can convince ourselves that the other person was not acting like our "brother" or our "neighbor", then we don't have to treat him like such.

But, we do....
But, on the other hand, aren't you simply giving lurkers and others a foolish sense of ***urance - the nice guy salvation lie? Seems to me that you are being deluded by your belief that Fig was such a nice guy and ignoring the truth of the matter. . I won't judge his salvation, but I will tell you this: he consistently fought against the Gospel of Christ, believed in a false god and an Impostor Jesus, and seems to have bamboozled you too. I know for a fact that he preached Mormonism day in and out. That's the danger of Mormonism. Some people become deluded into believing that all these "nice" Mormons are saved. Without Christ. Without the gospel. Take that lie elsewhere.