Quote Originally Posted by Libby View Post
Alan, you posted Romans 1:20 on the other thread....I'm going to bring it here, if you don't mind?

"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

This verse made me ask exactly "HOW" God draws people to him. If this verse is any indication, nature or His Creation, is one way he draws us. If that is one way He draws us (and it seems to be true, according to this scripture), then He has to be drawing ALL people....as we all have ability to see the glories of His Creation all around us!
Everyone is given some commandments to live by. We talked a little bit about this in another thread that we all have a basis sense of right and wrong. Also this verse teaches us that there is evidence--for every single person--that there is a God, "being understood from what has been made". In order for God to justly punish someone that person has to be aware of commandments and then break them. If you look at Romans 1:20 this isn't speaking about God drawing men to Christ but rather that every single person knows that there is a God and has an inner knowledge of basic right and wrong and when they break these commandments they are without excuse.