The kid posted:

Originally Posted by Christian [IMG]****ons/viewpost-right.png[/IMG]
cog posted:

I follow the God of the Bible. The reason you can't convince me this isn't the true church is because God has confirmed to me it is. Its purely true and from God.

Unfortunately the 'god' who 'confirmed' it to you is NOT the God of the Bible. I too prayed with an open mind and a humble heart over the bom after reading it.

THE REAL GOD OF THE BIBLE gave me a VERY CLEAR "NO" for an answer.


You've never studied the scriptures spiritually, just from a biased point of view.

I ADMIT BIAS. . .TOWARDS GOD. When I study, I ALWAYS WANT TO KNOW how God wants me to understand and I WANT TO KNOW how God will change me even more.

Your "***umptions" about how I have studied are simply ***umptions, imho. Like so much of mormonism, they simply do NOT MATCH REALITY.

You're not sincere in your "studies". You believe whatever you want, not what the Savior has taught.

I'm glad YOU think you are psychic. . .once again you are as wrong as hitler was. Simply totally WRONG.

I know what the voice of the Holy Ghost sounds like and He, not some made up trinity, testifies that this is true.

So YOU disbelieve what EVERY CHRISTIAN EVERYWHERE believes. . .

You DO know that puts you right there with the heathens, don't you? Simply labeling that concept 'Trinity' does NOT MEAN IT IS 'MADE UP.' It remains TRUE.

And whoever or whatever 'testifies' the opposite is a liar and not of God.

You also admit you don't know whether or not I follow God or Satan or you wouldn't have said it to be an opinion.
That's a big difference between you and I, you have an opinion that I follow Satan and I KNOW for a FACT, without any opinion at all, that I follow God, the true God, the Father.

I know FOR A FACT that IF YOU FOLLOW THE 'spirit-brother-of-satan-jesus' invented by joey smith, you are following a FALSE god and a FALSE christ, and a FALSE prophet.

I don't follow something created.

GOD said JESUS created the angels. Satan is a fallen angel. IF YOUR 'jesus' even exists, he is one of those, according to joey smith. "Jesus created Jesus?" Naah, your cult's theory sinks.

something you repeat all the time because nobody can get it through your thick head, but I follow the God of the Bible.
I am a Christian and no rule on a forum nor any opinion from those who are not in the fold of the Good Shepherd can change that.
Hitler was not a Christian if he didn't receive faith from Jesus Christ in his last day or so. I can tell you that without doubt.

YOU are not a Christian if you follow the fake 'prophet' joey smith or the gods and half-brother-of-satan "jesus" he invented. I can say THAT without a doubt too.

Whether you follow demons on the God of the Bible is not up to me. Your heart may simply be too hard (like pharaoh's was) to find God; that is up to HIM.

IF your prophet were a 'prophet' and IF his 'lineage' was p***ed to bringum young and down to your CURRENT 'presidents,' WHY CAN YOUR 'PROPHETS' NOT PROPHESY? Why does your d&c end about a hundred years ago with NO NEW PROPHESIES IN IT? NO 'modern day revelation?'

Here you go again. To you, everything we say doesn't count because we're mormons.


Your whiney excuses don't work for you, kid. . .We can EASILY see them for what they are.

Did you think that its possible that you're the one deceived? I know I'm sure not deceived. Again, I follow God, the one of the BIBLE. You know, the volume of 66 books

Then WHY does YOUR god tell you one thing when you pray about the bom and when I (like MANY MANY OTHERS) pray about the bom, they receive the OPPOSITE ANSWER AS YOU DO? Does your god lie part of the time?

You're biased toward yourself, not God. You're too prideful to let yourself believe the truth simply because it would mean you've been wrong the whole time, and you have.

Once again you are making false ***umptions that you HAVE to make to try to 'justify' your position. SINCE I am no 'biased towards myself' and AM biased towards God, and since I search the scriptures daily to see if things are so, (like the bereans did), your theory falls flat.

I don't ***ume anything of anyone, you give me all the info I need to know how you are

Or at least enough for you to leap to your own BIASED conclusions.

You don't follow the Savior, the Son of God and the virgin Mary, the Redeemer of Israel.

You are barking at the moon, following your own BADLY BIASED ***umptions again. Sorry, I follow the Jesus Christ of the Bible, not the mormon 'spirit-brother-of-satan.'

I noticed you NEVER ADDRESS THAT TEACHING BY JOEY SMITH, that Jesus is a 'spirit-brother' of the EVIL ONE. . .GEEE, I WONDER why you run away from that one. . .

If you studied with the Spirit of God you would never have the smallest belief in trinitarianism.

Your scriptural ERROR is noted.

The Father is God
Jesus is God
The Holy Spirit is God
There IS ONLY ONE GOD ANYWHERE EVER (Isa 43:10, 44:6, 44:8 etc etc etc)

Explain where God was wrong in those matters, THEN explain why we should not label that concept 'trinity.'

Yes, I completely deny what modern Christianity, the version that came as a result of the Great Apostasy, teaches.

Modern-day Christianity is the SAME Christianity that Jesus and the Apostles taught.

WHICH apostasy are you talking about? The 150+ MORMON ones? Joey smith's religion has had its own GREAT apostasies, bringum young's being one of them.

So WHICH of the 150+ MORMON religions should anyone think is the 'right one?' YOUR god has testified to each of the followers of all of those that THEIRS is HIS church.

I reject the idea of the trinity. There is no chance I'll follow such an evil doctrine. The ancient prophets and apostles never taught anything close to that heresy.

Your scriptural ERROR is noted.

The Father is God
Jesus is God
The Holy Spirit is God
There IS ONLY ONE GOD ANYWHERE EVER (Isa 43:10, 44:6, 44:8 etc etc etc)

WHICH of those concepts do you think Jesus and/or the Apostles did NOT teach? Or are you just 'knee-****' responding based upon your cult's opinions?

Nope, you said it was your OPINION that I follow Satan. "Imho" Your opinions are factual. I'm grateful to have the gospel of Jesus Christ, the only true Christ there is, in my life.

WHEN will you 'explain to us' how it is that YOUR 'jesus christ' is a 'spirit-brother' to the EVIL ONE, and supposedly ONE OF MANY SONS that your god 'fathered?" (begat????)

Last day? Salvation isn't a deathbed principle, it's an eternal one.

Nobody ever said salvation was a 'deathbed principle.' I don't even know what you think that might mean.

I am a Mormon; as a Mormon I am certainly a Christian. I'm 100% positive I know what and who I am. I've already found God, have you?

I have lived with the Holy Spirit (GOD) living within me for over 40 years now, AS EVIDENCED BY the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT being predominant in my life all of that time.

Your claim that you are a mormon and a Christian is like you saying you are an onion and a banana. It is an oxymoron.

By the way, about 100 years ago? You need to do another check of the Lord's book of the Doctrine and Covenants.

ABOUT 100 years ago. October 1918.