Quote Originally Posted by dberrie2000 View Post
Then why do the faith alone(sola fide) preach obtaining salvation independent of, and excluding all works?

In the Bible there are two different types of "Justification" listed.

One deals with our faith
The other deals with our acts.

The first one that is dealing with our faith is something that only God can judge, for only he can see into a person true heart.
You cant see into my heart...I cant see into your heart.
Only God can see into our inner hearts, only he knows the real truth of the heart.

So this is why then we are saved by grace though faith and not by works.
For the Lord sees the heart, the lord alone sees our faith....

But what can we see?
We can only see the acts people do.

You can see what I do, and I can see what you do.

I can look at what a person does, I can hear what they say, and from this I can form a little private judgement as to what I "think" their faith is.

But I cant know for sure.

I can only guess at what your heart is,,,,I can only guess at your private faith.
Just as you can only guess at mine.

This is why we are only "Justified" by works before men's eyes.

So the justification by works is before men, yet the Justification by faith is before God.

and this gets us right back to (here it comes)...The fact that we are saved only by Grace though Faith and not by works.

Let me know if this is still unclear to you, for its important for me that you come here and receive the answers to your questions.