I'd like to thank JohnT, once again, for providing for us yet another example of the type of Christianity he believes to be the true path. You know, the kind that teaches that you can 'earn' the right to call people you disagree with names, be disparaging and condescending, and talk down to those people in a way that you hopefully inflict some type of pain and inflammatory response.

...the name "Mormon" is synonymous with the labels "Antichrists" and "Bible haters" .
...they can accurately be termed as "AntiChrists.
So, you Mormons have EARNED these epithets...

As it is, you collectively HATE Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and you collectively HATE the revelation of Jesus in the Scriptures, so the terms are accurate,
This is a wonderful example of the type of fringe-evangelical-Mormonism-Attacking-Christianity that only serves the opposite of this poster's stated purpose.

It isn't honest to call LDS "Jesus-haters", even if you do believe their theology is far from being the truth that you believe. You can believe someone is in error in their beliefs in Jesus, but calling them "Jesus-Haters" only serves to slam the door shut and close off the heart to your message and the spirit you should be teaching with. It also weakens your own credibility since most people, regardless of their opinions of LDS people, will admit that LDS people believe they are following Jesus the best way they can, even if they believe that the LDS have a false Jesus.

But to claim that LDS are "Jesus-Haters" is only to serve divisiveness and to **** up bridges whereby you can have a meaningful dialogue with those very people you are trying to witness to.

so please do not cry "foul" to Jill, or anyone else. Crybabies are not permitted here.
It isn't 'crying' to help someone see how they might become a better witness of Jesus, is it? I call 'foul' in your approach, but that is hardly being a crybaby. You're free to be inflammatory and divisive and to make dishonest shocking labels of the people you are trying to preach Jesus to, but aren't such things the an***hesis of what Jesus stands for and the an***hesis of your cause?