When I've pondered what Heaven might be like, the extreme thought I can have is the idea we get what we want...exactly, instantly...as we imagine it, and as well as we can imagine it, while remaining "real" and grounded in the New Earth and state of Heaven...

Say you find yourself there, in a beautiful meadow, and desire an icecream Sundae... It appears, sort of...thin, transparent, with flavors and toppings that shift and swirl according to your less than well formed image of a "typical" Sundae... What sort of ice cream? Hard or soft? Really sweet or a little bitter like chocolate and earthy like vanilla? Caramel, marshmallow, fruit topping? Whipped Cream? Nuts or sprinkles?...In what shapped gl***?

...I think IF this is anything like Heaven may be, first thing we will learn is what rotten "imagineers" we really are...that we are not very good wishers at all.... If we want a home, or a palace...Where? Made of what? Built to what floor plan and with what sort of plants for landscaping? Etcetera...BIG Etcetera... Heaven will be in those details and accumulation, and "hardening" of the reality we want, and want to share with one another...

Over time, as we get good at it, this would logically lead to us creating another world, or planet...But as it would overlap and possibly conflict with other's ideas of their own world, we could create it both as part of Heaven's reality, and/or as distinct, separately, and store it in a box, to work on as a hobby and piece of art...an expression of our deepest thought and desires...

In that sense, we would be the "God" of that planet (or theoretically, Universe should we get so advanced)...but never really GOD... Then, we would run into the potent ability to possibly do what GOD did, and bring it to life...and take responsibility for that decision...and like Him, find it only to be meaningful to set it free enough to reject us...perhaps repeating the only history possible...

Would you let it hang you from a cross?

>This speculative thought process occurred without a trace of Mormonism coming to mind...but I see it now, having learned more, reflected in some of their unique teachings... I'm not a Mormon, nor foresee ever having a desire to become one...but, I can see how they may have been given additional insights in the future and making of our little race, and cannot help but respect that. There are certainly things I disagree with, and have no need to think any person who may have been given a few visions is necessarily a "Prophet" worth forming an entire religion around, but I find half-truths and both corrupted and exploited Truths within my own Christian religion... Seeking for the Ultimate Truth should not lead anyone to dismiss any particular religion, or denomination, belief system, sect, or even cult off-hand and in totality, as the more we do learn, the more mysterious and deep He does get...

The difference is, I can only ever re-create from the elements GOD has already given us little gods to play with. HE remains sacrosanct and Omnimax in a way always infinite steps ahead of me. All I can ever do is reflect Him, and point in His direction. I will never merge with Him, or return to His womb...and see no reason to want to.