Quote Originally Posted by Russianwolfe View Post
Telling me that a girl is not a boy, doesn't tell me very much about what a girl is. And telling me that a spirit does not have flesh and bones does not tell me what a spirit is.

I have asked you several times to show me from the Bible whether God is invisible by nature or by choice. You have not done this either. Yes, as you claim, Christ did say that God is spirit and in another place it says that God is invisible. But is God invisible because spirit is invisible or is God invisible because he chooses to be? This is important because if God is invisible by nature, then there is no chance of ever seeing him, inspite of what Christ said about the pure in heart seeing God. If God is invisible by choice, then he can reveal himself and then spirit is not invisible.

But you have not provided any scriptures to say one way or another. And yet you still maintain that God is invisible. I cannot go against the scripture but neither can I agree with what you are attempting to say because the nature/choice question have not been resolved.

You claim that man and God are not the same. You claim that one is created and the other uncreated. And yet here you speculate (with no Biblical support) that man and God are in fact similar. How can they be similar if they are so different. Is a created spirit the same as an uncreated spirit? Do you have a Biblical references that supports your claim? If not, then you have just created an extra-Biblical doctrine. Or is it a heresy? I guess that depends on whether you agree with it or not.

You haven't shown me that God has said anything about the subject. How can I submit to what you haven't shown me?

And here I agree with you. I hope you can show me something from the Bible that will resolve this issue.

I have given you what the Bible says about the nature of spirit.. Unlike you I don't invent doctrines based on unbiblical writings of mere men.. IHS jim