My view is that a Christian is one who understands the nature of God's Word (Love). One who follows Christ, or His example. One who lives to serve God, and/or His purpose for humanity. One who walks the walk, as opposed to giving mere lip service.

Faith, hope, and love are the products (Fruits) of God's Word/Spirit. Christ manifested this Spirit, and lived accordingly. This is what defines a Christian. [imo] We can claim to be Christian until we are blue in the face, but until we begin to walk the walk, and live accordingly, we are not [true] Christians. I believe this is a process. God develops us as individuals [if] we are willing to embrace His hand. It is not only through reading scripture, but also through much hardship, and tribulation that we grow.

Our actions not only define who we are, but also how effective we are as sowers of God's Word. In short, a Christian is one who has the light of life in them, and walks accordingly: "Love"
