Quote Originally Posted by wind11 View Post
How liberal of you.

If you are a student of the Bible, and if the Bible is the only reliable document, you should have no problem answering the question (if you dare to face it): How long after the Flood did Nimrod live ? How many people were on the planet in Nimrod's life time ?
Suppose you tell us.

Genesis ch 1 tells the story of general creation, Genesis ch 2 tells what took place in the Garden

The number of years is the same for everyone, hebrew or swede or zulu

Without Old testament, there is no New Testament. If the timeline of the Old Testament is broken, the New Testament is just a tale. If the Old Testament was written for hebrews only, why bother with it ?
HomeWork for the both of you:
download Walter Martin's "Cult of liberal theology" and listen to it, several times, until you comprehend the concept
The listing of the messianic line does not ean they were the only ones born to them.