Quote Originally Posted by BigJulie View Post
I think Romney has the best chance of beating Obama ....
well........I think Mitt has the best chance of leading the ticket.
Mitt has a ton of money saved, has a built-in staff where he needs it, and so he can likely just out spend the rest of the field at this point.

But unless he learns how to attract a strong christian vote, I dont give him much more that a 20% chance of beating Obama.

Mitt flips.

Obama does not really flip.

This means that Mitt undercuts his supporters.
Obama has disappointed his supporters, but not really flipped a position and undercut his supporters.

This means that while Obama polls now at a lower number than a Republican, this will change once we know who the Republican is.

At that point I expect the liberals to gather around Obama.

So are the Republicans going to gather around Mitt?....I sorta doubt it.