[QUOTE=alanmolstad;101612]Mitt flips.

Obama does not really flip.


Obama flips quite a bit. The difference is the "Mitt flips" has become a talking point for the compe***ion. That is they only reason you say Mitt flips and Obama doesn't. In fact, I haven't seen any politician--with enough time in politics who doesn't flip on some position.

The latest flip for Obama was when he wasn't the president, he voted against a debt ceiling limit, changed his mind as president because he stated he know understands more.

If being Mormon would keep "evangelicals" from voting for Mitt, I don't think he is going to give up his faith to win office. In fact, that is what he said the last go around.

So, if "evangelicals" are not going to vote for someone based on their religion---the just as with McCain, the "christian right" can come up with their next best candidate and see if they can beat Obama. But who is that going to be? Cain, who is unravelling as we speak? Gingrich who is a career politician but has done some good things, Perry who looks like a deer in head-lights when he is debating? Santorum (who I really like, but think he needs more experience)? Michelle Bachman who the media has crucified (no pun intended)? You pick. But when I see Jill pulling stunts like putting her dad's old, bigoted stuff up for "christians' to get to know Romney---well, there you have it. If we get Obama another 4 years, we will know that the "christian right' cares more about crucifying mormons then anything else.