Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
Julie you got to ask yourself, what is the goal?

You seem to have as a goal to make it easy for kids to drop their insurance?

trust me Julie, thats the case right now,,,
so how has that worked out?
But you are subs***uting your goal with giving the insurance companies too much power over the now-grown child. This is just a set-up that would allow insurance companies to be able to be very abusive.
I would never do that to my kids and therefore would reject the option. (It is akin to leasing a car and all those other abusive programs where it sounds good on the front and bad on the back side.)

As I stated, if we want total freedom --then we need to allow hospitals to turn away people who can't pay or don't have insurance. That would give plenty of people incentive to get and keep insurance. BUT, and this is the big BUT---as a society, can we accept the death of our citizens because of their own poor choices when WE could do something to save them?