Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
Are you denying that LDS believe that the gospel that Abraham was under was a different gospel than you are under?
Yes. It was the same gospel--the gospel of Jesus Christ. The question being--if it was not the gospel of Jesus Christ--was it the gospel at all?

There is only one gospel of Jesus Christ--and the scriptures state that it was the gospel of Jesus Christ that Abraham was taught--and that is what you are going to have to accept--if one desires the truths taught within the Biblical NT.

That does not define what all was contained within that gospel--as the Lord reveals His gospel a little at a time.

For instance--was the gospel after the first century--where it looked a lot different, in which taking the gospel to the Gentiles, and the doing away with circumcision, which was not part of the gospel practiced until later--was that still the gospel of Christ?

Yes, it was. A fuller form of the gospel--but still the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Was it the gospel of Jesus Christ before the resurrection and the Atonement--yes, still the gospel. Was it the gospel before the Holy Ghost--yes, still the gospel.

Adding components to the gospel, which has been done all along--does not disqualify it from being the gospel.

Trying to define every truth revealed does not effect it being the gospel. Trying to qualify the gospel preached to Abraham by comparing it to the gospel truths contained within the LDS church does not disqualify it from the gospel of Jesus Christ, anymore than comparing it to what truths had been revealed after the first century of the NT church.

They were completely different, in many respects. At the end of the first century AD--the gospel looked a lot different than at 33AD.

Abraham was taught the gospel, no matter how you wish to compare it to all the truths contained in the LDS church, or dig up and define every ordinance or commandment Abraham was given.