It did--it put you in the shoes of someone who knows for sure it is God---that was how the original question was posed. I merely tried to help you by seeing that there were circumstances in which a believer was faced with this same dilemma in the OT.
It did put me in someone else's shoes? Okay ...supposed you support yoru claim for once. Here is the original question: ""If you knew for sure that God was speaking to you and God asked you to take out your wife into the backyard and sacrifice her would you do it?" Show me the words here that place me in anyone else's shoes, in particular the shoes YOU tried to put me in when you re-wrote the question.

I ask which part because you state that God would never command us to kill our wives---as we have an example of that in the OT in regards to the adultering wife, I have to wonder if you do not believe that part of the Bible.
The original question stipulated nothing about adultry or any other crime. Nor, by the way, does the Old Testament tell us that the husband must kill his own wife for the crime of adultery. So your little rabbit trail, as usual, goes nowhere.

I agree, but to me the non-contradiction comes in the form that when God speaks, you do--not that God tells the same thing to you as he does to the OT Israelites or you would believe that you needed to stone your wife if she committed adultery--which I am ***uming you don't believe.
Your ***umptions are, as usual, wrong. I see no injuntions from God anywhere in the Bible telling me to kill my wife or anyone else, for that matter.

So, to you the Israelites had the word of God as well as God Himself. Is that the same God who told them "thou shalt not kill"? How do you think they dealt with this? How do you think Abraham dealt with God telling him to sacrifice Isaac on one hand and then telling Abraham that child sacrifices were wrong on the other hand. How do you think Abraham knew it was still God in this circumstance?
God told the Israelites to not murder. That is not the same thing as telling them to not kill. The original question posed in the OP makes no such distinction. It simply asks, as I have now repeatedly shown you, if I would kill my wife? In answer to the original question, as written (and which I guess I mistook for meaning what it said), the answer remains: "NO". Abraham is not being questioned here. I am. You are. You have made it clear that you would BOTH kill your (husband) AND you would NOT kill him. You seem confused. Meanwhile, I would know that any one claiming to be God who ordered me to kill my wife was clearly NOT God. I know that because I not God and I know his word. You cannot make that claim, because you apparently cannot tell the difference between God and Satan. You only fly by your emotions and the signs you seek.

You have completely ignored the fact that they were told to stone their wives if she was caught in adultery. (Do you realize that you keep changing the wording...first from "know for sure" to "think" and now from "kill" to "murder.") And you ignore the example of Abraham. Let's just use the example of Abraham--how did Abraham know it was for sure God who was telling him to sacrifice Isaac, since God had told him previously that child sacrifices were wrong?
I did not ignore anything. The original question provides no stipulations or conditions that in any way even hint at adultery or any other capital crimes. In answering the question I was asked, I have no obligation to answer DIFFERENT questions about OTHER people killing THEIR wives under stipulations and conditions not given to me. Your pretending that I DO have such an obligation and your repeated attempts to CHANGE the question only demonstrates your inabliltiy to understand the problem you face here in the original question as written.

