Quote Originally Posted by asdf View Post
Indeed. No gay gene has been found. Neither has a "straight gene" been found.

Nonetheless, the evidence still points to at least some genetic component involved in determining sexual preference and identification.

The old Nature vs. Nurture argument...I don't find it particularly useful - the fact is that according to all the evidence, at least for some people, sexual orientation appears to be at least partly innate.
Asdf, please produce such evidence rather than ***uming it is fact.

Inciting Riots, molestation is one of the ways, but not the only way that ****sexuality is introduced. There are many aspects that in most cases is a gradual raping or wearing down of the conscience, most of it is related to what parents teach or teach too much, or provide a gap by an absense of teaching. Television is one medium where we are taught that ****sexuality is acceptable. Parents who are abusive or overly strict provide a natural reaction and rebellion. Or parents are complacent and themselves teach that they are alright with it. In many cases, I would say that the living examples of the parents in their private lives is full of hypocricy, which most families may not share with their friends. Also, it is a natural tendency for people who go through trauma to suppress the event. I would not take such experience and sayings so lightly at face value; the human psyche is quite complex.