Quote Originally Posted by TheSword99 View Post
That's the problem right there, Libby. Changing original Christianity because the modern world really doesn't want God, much less submit to Him. The Bible talks about a really big apostasy happening in the latter days. It's already happening. Lukewarm Christians, lukewarm ministers, cults, changing the truth for a lie. This is why false religions are thriving. Satan had doubled up his efforts because his days are numbered.

BTW, Christianity is not at odds with science. Science in many respects hasn't caught up.
TS, this planet is more than 6000 years old and man most likely evolved from a lower life form. Scientists will tell you we absolutely did, no question about it...and most people accept that.

As for Christianity changing, it has changed a LOT over the centuries, which is something (for some reason) many Christians don't want to admit. I'm talking about peripheral beliefs, not really the essence or core, which has always been Christ's atonement and resurrection. But, peripheral believes can and do change. The church is not really keeping up with the culture, in that regard, especially the conservative side.