Quote Originally Posted by tdidymas View Post
I simply stated that the apostles did not write that way. They were honest, clear, and thoughtful in their writings.
I see. Possibly, you do not regard those things that are not always explainable from those who cherish what the Spirit says for us now, or the apostles then. In which wasn’t always clear and “some things hard to understand” (2 Peter 3:16). If we regard it as everything of man, and nothing from God through His sons being enabled by His Spirit, then that limitation is readily understandable. For I do quite well understand the near animosity for the things of the Spirit in applicable terms. And how it isn’t thought relevant anymore in certain denominations.

This would explain your vexation in continuing to pick away at me, my common limitation before God and my enlarged answer I have willingly granted in the Spirit of brotherhood that you find callously unacceptable.

Then you actually tried to change the subject by asking me questions about baptism among other unrelated subjects.
Punctuating my point precisely. How is it related? Because I asked you to consider trying that which you do not acknowledge in me. If you are led of God, then you are sensitive to that leading. And if you are sensitive to that leading, your hearing would recognize it whenever it crossed your path. Likewise, that “peaceable fruit of righteousness” comes as a result of His corrective leading. To reject this is an evasiveness of imperiling one’s own understanding in the word. In the good and bad, it's about communion with the Creator.

When I said, “Peace over the gift”, it is before God as truth, and your insulting rejection does not change that truth. But as I said, such disregard for the Spirit’s work today is quite well known and supremely unfortunate for all who treat Him as such. But this rejected answer of mine isn’t the worst we have on display here.

Quote Originally Posted by MichaellS View Post
Are you led of God, or fully self willed?
Look in the mirror, brother.
Sad. Who among those reading here and familiar with the leading (or the concept) would waste the opportunity to let that light shine by continuing this mundane dialog? Go on, dig up some more of my experience of what I count Philippians 3:8 to fertilize my 2 Timothy 4:13’s for use years and years down the road.

I fear for all like TDM who are comfortable with closing the entrance to the Spirit.