Quote Originally Posted by tdidymas View Post
I'm not sure what you mean by "we" here. If you mean that I'm trying to correct your errors, but you aren't listening, then I believe you.
If your meaning is that I don't have any valid point against how you have answered, then I disagree. I believe my points are valid and Biblical.
Possibly, you either don’t recognize or refuse to permit someone’s spirit of brotherhood included in comment. Here, once again, you fail to see how I grant you the benefit to lead me in the way of correction, which collectively consist of “we”. I agree, quite uncustomary when one party would rather spend time injecting unconfirmed (from the other party (me)) reports of biblical revelry and heresy as you have to date. Through your desperate need to dismiss any possibility of these gifts being found today just as God had determined by stereotypical and individual character attacks you do now express that refined end-time trait known as “faithless”. For as you know, but will further refuse to admit what that would entail.

You think this answers my objections? It actually digs up a deeper question here: How do you know you have not cursed the Lord?
This is a preposterous entry without coming close to answering my question. Every Christian in his most question position still can say with the Apostle, “I think I have the Spirit of God”, all the way to the inward confirmation and persuasion of that confidence, “I know in whom I have believed”, remember? Oh, I forgot, I’m fostering a “cult” based on bias of a fleshly mindset and not on the Bible.

Since your tongue is unknown, and unknowable seeing you have no interpreter, then how do you know, or how will you ever know (until the day of judgment) what you are saying? You might claim "I speak the language of angels," but how do you know what is being said unless you have an interpreter? Here is where Paul's original meaning of 1 Cor. 14:4 gets sticky, because the only people who claim that "edifieth himself" is a positive action are Pentecostals - the tongue-talkers themselves!! The very ones who despise everyone else who does not practice it, because they are taught "whoever has not spoken in tongues does not have the Spirit," as the Pentecostal dogma says.
And off we go attacking people with an invitation to join their bitterness rather than why the meaning of self-edification isn’t meant for us today. Why? Because that boat don’t float so well though they try as they must. Yes, it is logic tried to an anchor at the bottom of the Dead Sea that proves this unfounded disgust to me personally every day from my own friend-base who would willingly go all the way to their death-bed of pride trying to prove the absence, than to agree with God, the Apostles, the people of faith that God would grant this same work as seen in the Bible. Walter Martin would at least admit to God’s miraculous work following his faith. I heard him say it live, now you see me say it in vain, don’t you?
Is this possibly the nut of your displeasure with regard to tongues, because your faith can’t quite find the reason to believe that God would actually allow in the body of Christ? To think we should actually allow this to happen in his followers? To think we should allow something so foreign that would rise above our methods? The hard answer given in love brother is we are still unwilling to let that corner of our mind let go of the carnal, but guard it by attacking and run from it by the belittling sight-of-hand comments.
This last entry of necessity you posted doesn’t stand popular at all in the largest of Pentecostal ***emblies I am familiar with. I am not saying it doesn’t exist, it does and much to their own damage of uninterested congregants. So let’s recognize your stereotypical lump-it-all-together for what it is, an attempt to discredit the whole for the error of a few.

If you want to go deeper than the surface and stop smugly saying "I haven't cursed the Lord" (as if that proves anything), just keep in mind that Jesus said "not everyone who calls Me Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven," which tells me that anyone can parrot the words "Jesus is Lord" and not be speaking from the Spirit of the Lord. Paul's meaning of "No one can say 'Jesus is Lord' except by the Holy Ghost" goes far deeper than parroting words. If you observe the full context, he isn't saying this as a proverb to be taken on its own to apply to anything you want. He is talking about submission to the Lord. He is talking about a conversation of practice and teaching. It has exactly the same discerning meaning as John who wrote "he who does not acknowledge Jesus is not of God," that is, "this is how we determine the Spirit of God..." who is talking about the teaching of someone, whether it be of God or not. They are talking about the teaching of ideas, which come from the spirit of a man. Is that spirit driven by God, or by the devil? The way to discern is by asking the question - does it support Jesus as Lord, Jesus as the Christ?
What else could be said from someone overcome with hate for someone or something they may not realize actually lives within them; a fear of the truth that these things are so. The rhetoric continues in baseless form against the movement out of fear for the success of its alignment of the truth which is so.

Therefore, just because you lay claim that your 'gift' is of God, doesn't prove anything in the least. Many Christians who know and understand the basic truths of the gospel have other ideas that are wrong, and their actions show it, and their words prove inconsistent with things that are taught in the scripture. This is why John says "do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they be of God." And I asked one simple and clearly understood question, "what's the fruit," in other words, give me some evidence that your 'gift' actually produces the fruit of the Spirit for others. But instead of answering this question, you have proceeded to tell me (in my words here), "try it, you'll like it" - bro, all I can see is that you're trying to hand me a dung sandwich.
Here again more of my granting you the upper-hand of instruction to lead (I actually thought you knew where these things are taught in the scriptures), but as you have shown, this isn’t your area of expertise. You show yourself to be incapable of knowing the two areas to profit from the gift:

1. Universally (To the hearing Church)
2. Singular (Self)

You have shown yourself to malign the definition of faith out of your fear of the truth concerning God’s gifts.

“Now faith is the ***urance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

But you would have us believe in an effort to prove all things, which we should, but if you had your way also means we should perform this in a fashion wherein all biblically unrestricted areas involving faith are to be removed from the possibility of soundness. For every time Paul declares “I will” with the gift, you are right there to say ‘I will not’ by your comments. So then, it would read from your present responses:

‘Now faith is the ***urance of things discovered, the conviction of things seen.’

How absurd. But there you will undoubtedly go and disconnect these gifts from faith. But that is why you can’t find contentment in discussing these things with me because not for reason of not proving something, but because of reason of your “evil heart of unbelief”, the fruit we know a person by is what that person actually is as our Lord did say, and it is imperative you repent of this without delay, for as you know, without faith, it is “impossible to please God”.

2 Cor 1:20? Paul is talking about the promises of the gospel, not a gift of languages that is not only not promised to everyone, but is solely contingent on the will of the Spirit! Here again, you reveal your ignorance of the true meaning of scripture, and your willingness to misapply it. Technically, one could say here that you are indeed a false teacher, since you certainly are trying to teach something here. Nevertheless, I will not go as far as to judge you this way, but rather to say that you are certainly ********ly misapplying the scripture here and elsewhere. It is this that renders your statement, "I am affirming the Kingdom of God" as ineffective, since who can listen to someone who doesn't understand the clear language of scripture?
Please review, because this could provide the footing you seek. Your extraction of the “will of the Spirit” is hardly amusing. By attempting to apply it to the heading of “promises” and not back to where it belongs, in the distribution of the promised One’s gifts is increasingly biased. The OT, Gospels and Acts spoke of the promise being the Holy Spirit (Gal. 3:14).