Posted a similar thread elsewhere and wanted to share here:

Polygamy and Mormon are two peas in a pod. One of the worst manifestations of Mormon polygamy is taking underage girls as wives (many married off to older men who already have many wives.) When Elizabeth Smart was abducted by Brian David Mitchell, in his mind he was simply taking a child bride, as did his model, Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism. In the Fundamentalist sects of Mormonism, found through-out the West and Southwest, older men marrying young girls is part and parcel of fundamentalist Mormon practice. In these fundamentalist groups, many girls as young as 12 or 13 have been "married" to influential priesthood leaders who have "first pick" of the available batch of young females! And do parents object? A good marriage to a powerful priesthood leader will guarantee the bride's exaltation in the next world.

How did this sleazy practice begin? How do fundamental Mormons justify child brides? Who started the practice? Well, we have to look no further than to Joseph Smith, conman extraordinaire, and founder of the Mormon cult! Smith, himself, married pre****scent girls. Helen Mar Kimball, for instance was just fourteen when Smith promised her and her family a wonderful "exaltation" in the hereafter if she'd become his child bride! Elizabeth Smart was the same age when Mitchell swiped her out of the family home to be his own child bride! The major difference is that Mitchell used a physical weapon to intimidate Smart, while Smith used a psychological weapon - manipulation, and that was Smith's most powerful weapon. He was a great con artist, after all!

So, folks, the main culprit in fostering the child bride criminality found in Mormon fundamentalist sects is none other than Joseph Smith and his supposed revelation on plural wifery:

The Mormon cult has a serious dilemma. It refuses to repudiate Smith's revelation on plural marriage (pretending, instead, that it deals with temple marriages). But it is quite clearly dealing with the Mormon deity satisfying Smith's sexual needs, allowing him to have as many virgins as he wanted with or without Emma's consent. So, Smith established the precedent of taking underage girls as "wives," not to mention those already married to other Mormon men (generally those men sent away on convenient mission trips). All previous marriage covenants were revoked, and only those authorized by Smith were to be binding. This is how he rationalized his insane quest for more and more sexual partners.

So after the "brave" Smith tried to escape from the Carthage jail, jumping into the arms of his enemies, Young moved the cult into utter isolation in the Rocky mountains where polygamy was practiced freely - freely, that is, until the US government intervened and the Mormons feared losing their property and money. The cult suspended the practice, and if a Mormon, today, expresses a belief in polygamy per Smith's revelation linked to above he faces excommunication. This has led to the exponential growth of the fundamentalist Mormon groups - Mormons wanting to remain faithful to original Mormonism, not to mention the fecundity of the cultists themselves! In Utah, alone, there are about 40,000 practicing polygamists.

The problem of "child brides" is directly traced to the nefarious licentiousness of Joseph Smith. He blamed his "god" on his sexual appe***e, and let loose a demon of abuse that has plagued Mormonism ever since.

If you are interested in this subject, see this site: