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Thread: When Did Jesus Teach These Doctrines?

  1. #1

    Default When Did Jesus Teach These Doctrines?

    For several days now I have asked this question several times to an LDS member. I am still waiting for their answers and have now been told by this person, that I was off topic. With that said, I am beginning this new thread.

    When did Jesus ever teach temple marriage?
    When did Jesus ever teach we must do good works to gain salvation?
    When did Jesus ever teach doing work for the dead?
    And when did Jesus ever teach that man may become a god if man lived all the laws and ordinances of the LDS Church? The LDS Church was far from having a beginning when Jesus walked the earth. In fact Jesus began His Church after his death and resurrection and the Holy Spirit (Comforter) came to indwell the believers. Was Jesus' Church not correct, that it needed any changes, any restoration? He promised that His Church would prevail, even against hell itself. Jesus promised to be with us, even to the end of the world.

    I would also like to know why the Church needed a restoration when Jesus' gospel was still here and being taught. If Mormonism doesn't follow Biblical teachings, then it is another gospel that Paul warned us about. Gal. 1:8, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed."

    Interesting that JS told the world that he had seen an angel, an angel who called itself, Moroni. Interesting that no one witnessed this event but this angel was like opening Pandora's box. When this so called angel, or was it God who tells JS to not join any church of his day for they were all corrupt, a firestorm began. JS wondering why so many people turned against him. All it takes is for one to read JS's History and anyone with any sense can see he was a very disturbed man; having a great deal of paranoia and delusions of grandeur. He loved power and being in control of others lives.
    Hopefully there is someone who can answer these questions.
    Last edited by neverending; 02-04-2014 at 08:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by neverending View Post
    When didn't Jesus ever teach temple marriage?
    (I'm going to ***ume you meant "when did Jesus..." and answer the questions thus.)

    D&C 131:2; D&C 132:19

    When didn't Jesus ever teach we must do good works to gain salvation?
    Acts 10:35; Romans 2:13; James 2:26; Revelation 22:14; Mosiah 5:15; D&C 6:13

    When didn't Jesus ever teach doing work for the dead?
    1 Peter 4:6; D&C 138:54

    And when did Jesus ever teach that man may become a god if man lived all the laws and ordinances of the LDS Church?
    2 Peter 1:4; D&C 76:58

    I would also like to know why the Church needed a restoration when Jesus' gospel was still here and being taught.
    Jesus' gospel wasn't still here and being taught, and neither was his church.

  3. #3
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    D&C 131:2; D&C 132:19
    He asked when did Jesus teach, not Joseph Smith claim the Lord taught. He is asking for quotes from the NT, not the claims of the LDS documents.

    Acts 10:35;
    But your god is not the same one as the only true God which is taught in the NT and the orthodox Christian faith, therefore, you are not working the righteousness required for eternal life.

    When didn't Jesus ever teach doing work for the dead?
    1 Peter 4:6;
    The action in this verse is a one-time event already past. Therefore Peter was not teaching anyone to do anything for the dead.

    And when did Jesus ever teach that man may become a god if man lived all the laws and ordinances of the LDS Church?
    2 Peter 1:4; D&C 76:58
    Peter was talking about scripture canon from Gen-Rev, not about LDS documents. Again, LDS docs (including D&C) are the opinions of JS and LDS leaders, and do not conform to the teachings and promises of Jesus and His apostles. Since many of the teachings of LDS are contrary to the teachings in the NT, the D&C must be completely rejected as a source of truth.

    Jesus' gospel wasn't still here and being taught, and neither was his church.
    Yet another lie from the LDS, since the gospel was indeed around and being taught at that time. By the statement you make here, you imply that the gospel being taught then, which is the same gospel being taught today in the mainline Christian churches, is not the same gospel taught in the LDS church. Is this what you are saying? You admit that the gospel taught in the LDS church is NOT the same gospel being taught in other Christian churches such as Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic, Anglican, et al?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by tdidymas View Post
    He asked when did Jesus teach, not Joseph Smith claim the Lord taught. He is asking for quotes from the NT, not the claims of the LDS documents.

    But your god is not the same one as the only true God which is taught in the NT and the orthodox Christian faith, therefore, you are not working the righteousness required for eternal life.

    The action in this verse is a one-time event already past. Therefore Peter was not teaching anyone to do anything for the dead.

    Peter was talking about scripture canon from Gen-Rev, not about LDS documents. Again, LDS docs (including D&C) are the opinions of JS and LDS leaders, and do not conform to the teachings and promises of Jesus and His apostles. Since many of the teachings of LDS are contrary to the teachings in the NT, the D&C must be completely rejected as a source of truth.

    Yet another lie from the LDS, since the gospel was indeed around and being taught at that time. By the statement you make here, you imply that the gospel being taught then, which is the same gospel being taught today in the mainline Christian churches, is not the same gospel taught in the LDS church. Is this what you are saying? You admit that the gospel taught in the LDS church is NOT the same gospel being taught in other Christian churches such as Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic, Anglican, et al?
    erundur, well you tried but failed. I could care less about anything JS said. Using your D&C is not going to cut it. I am wanting proof that Jesus taught these things while walking the earth with his Apostles, and teaching people. HE never taught temple marriage! He never taught that people should go to the temple and do work for the dead! He never taught that we must do good works to gain our salvation! Jesus gave us only 3 commandments, to love the Lord they God with all thine heart, to love thy neighbor as thyself, and to be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. These are all he required of us. Your church has added false laws and ordinances and calling them a restoration since according to JS, the gospel Jesus taught was not here. Please tell me where in the Bible was the gospel I believe in and millions of people on this planet believe in, was lost. Mormonism IS another gospel! A man made gospel, and has never followed Biblical doctrines but only the whims of a deranged man who's only thought was controlling others, stealing other men's wives and committing many unlawful crimes. NOT a Godly man in my book.

  5. #5
    James Banta


    When the Bible is used to support a line of thought we must see if the p***age has relevance to what is being taught. What does Acts 10:35 teach?

    Acts 10:35
    But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

    I looked at this just long enough to read it and saw that God is saying that a person doesn't been to be of Israel to be save but must instead be obedient to Him. the problem is how do we become obedient we whose heart's are deceitful above all thing and desperately wicked? There is only one WAY..

    2Cor 5:21
    For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

    Short of being imputed with His righteousness we have none. For all we call righteousness to God is nothing but filthy rags.. So unless God make us the righteousness of Jesus not one of us is righteous. Any righteousness but that which is given to us because of the works of Jesus is nothing but SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS. The righteousness Jesus hated, the righteousness of the Pharisees.

    1 Peter 4:6
    For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.

    Here you are right again. Jesus did this preaching not those that are on missions to the lost is hell.

    1 Peter 3:19-20
    By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
    Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

    So what did Jesus tell these souls? Did He give then a second chance? Or was it a message that they have gained their place in hell? It doesn't say in that p***age.. But is other places we are told that this life is the day of salvation, that today now is the accepted time (2 Corinthians 6:2). That we are called to do the works of God NOW because night is coming when no work can be done (John 9:4).. So if they can now do nothing what could the message be? ONLY that He had overcome death and sin as He had promised and that because of their lack of faith they had received the ****ation they had earned in life..

    2 Peter 1:4
    whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

    Partakers of the divine nature.. What does that mean? Does it mean that we can become a God like the Father is a God, or is it that we share in HIS perfection through the blood of Jesus? While the Bible is clear that NO GOD will be formed in the future it does teach that we can share the perfection that is Jesus. The LDS make the error of putting what they want into the text instead of placing the scripture over each verse allowing them to through the Holy Spirit to teach us the meaning..

    Romans 4:22-24
    And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.
    Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;
    But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead

    The LDS interpretation of this p***age then is taken out of the context away from God's original message.. They force it to say what they want it to say and deny it real meaning.. Then write their own scripture that shores up their ANIT BIBLICAL message.. IHS jim

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by neverending View Post
    erundur, well you tried but failed.
    This is why it's pointless to answer anti-Mormons' questions: our answers are simply summarily dismissed.

    I am wanting proof that Jesus taught these things while walking the earth with his Apostles, and teaching people.
    But that's not what you asked for. You're moving the goal posts because I successfully met your challenge.

    From now on, whenever you feel like whining that I didn't answer your questions, just refer yourself to this thread.

  7. #7


    With the LDSinc. It is always an open ended question and answer to everything, so it is pointless to asks or answer anything of Joseph Smith jr. Imaginary mind. Case in point, ( Do you LDSinc. TBM worship God Elohim, or God Adam?"
    Answer, "We TBM worship the mormon heavenly father." Question, "So you worship Elohim or Adam?" The TBM replies."YES."

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Erundur View Post
    This is why it's pointless to answer anti-Mormons' questions: our answers are simply summarily dismissed.

    But that's not what you asked for. You're moving the goal posts because I successfully met your challenge.

    From now on, whenever you feel like whining that I didn't answer your questions, just refer yourself to this thread.
    Your answers were not summarily dismissed, they were not valid. I will tell you again, I DO NOT ACCEPT LDS BOOKS! Your D&C is full of falsehoods because they came from a man or men who were evil, power hungry, liars! You want to show me within the Bible, the ONLY book that is infalliable, then we can have something to discuss. So, I think you need to go back and find what I asked for and not give me your churches lies that you have fallen for hook, line and sinker. You know erundur, there is a whole exciting world out there which you have never looked at and why? Fear is all I can come up with.

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