I don't think you can call this on-line, vintage book, "anti" Mormon propaganda. It simply gives the view of 19th century researchers, and provides some very interesting information you won't find elsewhere. I find vintage research interesting, although a little hyperbolic. But we have to remember these early researchers into Mormonism were living in an era a lot closer to the origins of the cult than do we. And the Mormons have done a lot of revisionism and covering up, sweeping history under the rug, if you will. I, for instance, found the account of Joe Smith's "discovery" of his seer stone to be useful, as the author contends this stone was really p***ed down through Lucy's family and planted for Joe to find as he dug a well (not that he was prone to physical work!). I can buy into that, since Lucy's family was rather odd, if you ask me, given to visions and the occult, outside the normal parameters of religious fellowship.

Anyway, enjoy: http://books.google.com/books?id=d7w...monism&f=false