Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
Thats a long question...

What i can see is that Jesus was turning to the guy who just said that he had the "authority" over life and death of him...and Jesus was pointing out that while Pilate is still a guilty party in the murder of an innocent man, his blame is less due to the fact that Pilate was just carrying out Roman law as he had been charged to do by Rome.
So Jesus is calling Pilate a "middle-man", whereas Caiaphas was simply out to kill Jesus for being Jesus.

Jesus is telling Pilate, "Your authority?..you dont have any real authority, your so-called 'authority' is actually someone else's"
This is the reason Jesus was more or less telling Pilate that he was kinda "off the hook" for the blame in killing a known innocent men.

this is the "For this reason" that is key to understanding the point Jesus is making to Pilate, and why Pilate heard this and right away tried to let Jesus go free.....

Jesus is also saying that Caiaphas has more blame in this murder of an innocent men.
Caiaphas is not a middle-man in this story...
Not that it is a point that makes much difference but I disagree.. I believe that even the authority of Rome was given by God.. All things are done in accordance to God's will either perfect or permissive.. IHS jim