Quote Originally Posted by MichaellS View Post

Again, if you don't think my point is admissible, or your points somehow supercede mine, that's fine, please say with what specifically?


Im only saying that my point of view is the only correct point of view.
Im saying that all the teachers and Bible commentators that say that when Paul suggested shaving a girls head as a sign they were bad girls , are actually lazy bible scholars, and are teaching **** that they made up, and their reasons for doing so are weak, and are mostly based on other cities in other parts of the world, and not based on the christian community at Corinth at this time.


Im saying that a girl that shaved her head was seen as a holy and devoted person, who had taken the very same vow that Paul took.

Im saying that the reason Paul even talks about shaving the head of a girl with shorter hair is because he did that to himself for the very same reason....."looking devout" to others...