Quote Originally Posted by MichaellS View Post
You will certainly have to elaborate why the Christian should feel at ease with “chance”.

V10 But “the men knew that he was fleeing from the presence of the LORD” Or are you also saying the very pivotal New Testament verse 10 in Acts: “And they drew lots” was also “chanced”, by the activity of divination?
if you mean this story found at Acts 1:26 ?

"Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles."

Then it is only by faith that the men did this to decide what person to advance into the position as being "one of the 12"

Is there any proof that this was done by the command of the Lord?....no

Is there any hint that God's hand was seen in the outcome?.....no

Thus it is only by faith that any see God's hand in this drawing of the lot in that story.

But to return to what i was saying....
The drawing of lot is not just "random" chance, if we mean "anything could happen",for we know that the drawing of the lot will conform to the known rules of probability that govern such things.

This is why when a scientist looks at the evolution of humans and all life on this earth and looks for proof that there was a "god' controlling the development of life, he will NOT FIND such proof!

All of evolution and the path it has taken to develop life on the earth has always been completely within the rules that govern such things (just like drawing the lot seen above)

But so how does a Christian look at the same facts found by science and come away with an understanding that evolution is just a tool of the Lord's hand?
>>>>The answer is : By Faith!

It is by faith that when I look at the history of the earth, and the evolution of life here, that I see God's hands at work.

It is by faith that when I read the story of Jonah and the whale and see the casting of the lot onto Jonah that this was by God's hand that the lot fell on Jonah.