as for the "days" of genesis...thats where the Young Earther gets mixed up>

the problem with the Young Earther and the way he does "Bible Math" is that while the YE teacher will trace back modern man to about the same date as evolution will trace back the rise of modern man, the YE teacher is then stuck with what he thinks is a whole creation of the universe just a few hours before the rise of man.

So in other words its not the age of modern man where the YE teachers get lost at...its the fact they think the whole universe started at the same time!

So what i do is point out to the YE teacher that while they trace back the age of the rise of modern man to the same age as evolution holds, (And thats fine) we need to look a bit closer to what the Bible actually says about theses "Days" that seem to screw up the YE thinking.

For example...
The days of Genesis have very clear starts and endings....for all 6 of the days...

But what about the 7th day?

Is there an ending tacked on to the 7th day in the Creation week story?

How about the whole book of Genesis, is there any hint that the 7th Day has ended at any point in the book of Genesis?

How about the whole Bible? there any hint that the 7th day of Genesis has ended in the bible?

My conclusion is thus_
If there are clear endings to 6 days in Genesis, and there is clearly NO ENDING yet seen of the 7th day, that (and here is the important part)
That this is no accident!