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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by disciple View Post
    Alan, I don't think that anyone is refuting that on Day 1, three days before the Sun and all stars were made or before the creation of all stars was completed, a temporary light source illuminated the spinning earth and provided day-night cycles. This has nothing to do with human evolution, nor is it any type of proof of any form of evolution.
    What if the sun moon and stars were made on day one?..

    What if I could show you that the bible says that they all were made on day one?

  2. #2
    Senior Member disciple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    What if the sun moon and stars were made on day one?..

    What if I could show you that the bible says that they all were made on day one?
    Ok, show me.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by disciple View Post
    Ok, show me.
    First are you sure that the bible actually says that the stars are made on the 4th day?..

    Go check so you are 100% sure

  4. #4


    What we are looking for is the answer. ..was something added to the Text just to make it agree with YEC....?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by disciple View Post
    Ok, show me.
    I am.....
    But I have to rely on you to actually try to challenge what Im saying..
    I need you to be convinced at the start that Im in error for this to work.

    Unless you do that I dont really have a chance of showing anything to anybody.

    So lets begin:
    In every bible you can shake a stick at when you read the part about the events of the 4th day you clearly see where the Bible states that on the 4th day God "also made the stars"

    Just go look at every bible translation and see if that is true?

    So they all more or less all say that God "also made" the stars on the 4th day.

    So there is a united agreement that im wrong correct?

    Um.....except I noted something.....something about the word "made" that appears in versions of the King James Bible that put words in brackets [] that have been added by the modern editors and that do not appear in any historical version of the Bible........

    go check it out to be 100% sure Im telling the straight truth at all times....

  6. #6

    Default we see in the translations that show the words that were added by the editors, that some times we see words inside brackets [made] or in italic made

    If we check the events of the 4th daywe do see that the idea that god 'made" the stars also on the 4th day is just something that was added by the editors later.

    It was added to make it fit with the idea of the sun and moon being made on the 4th day too.

    the problem with this?

    The problem is that its just an invention that simply builds on a wrong idea in the first place.
    First off, the Bible does not actually say that the "sun"or the "moon" was made on the 4th day.
    So adding words later to the text to support something not in the text is error!

    So the sun is not said to be made on the 4th day at all....
    Thus there is no need to rush this and feel you have to add the word "made" for the stars.

    My advice?
    Read the sentence a few times again but leave out the added "made"part.

    Read it in context and you learn something that you did not see before.
    You learn there is no need at all to add "made" in the sentence!

    The sentence works fine all by itself without our needing to help it along.

    In the next post we will read the sentence both ways, and you can see how you dont need the added word "made" at all!

  7. #7


    This is how we all see the text in many good bible translations-

    "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night he made the stars also."

    Now lets do something radical.....lets just allow the Bible to say what it says without adding **** to it to make it say things it does not say.

    "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night the stars also."

    There we go!
    We took out the parts that were added and we ended up with an idea as to what the text wanted to say that is very different that what the added words twisted the text into saying.

    In the sentence there are two great lights that god makes.
    One light to rule the day.
    One light to rule the night and the stars.

    What do the lights rule?
    One rules the day
    One rules the night and stars.

    So the idea we get now that the text is simply telling us the list of things that the two great lights rule.....

  8. #8


    So.......if the sun, the moon and the stars are not made on the 4th day.....when were all that stuff in the sky made by God?

    The answer is?........

    The answer is found at Genesis 1, verse 1 "In the beginning God created the HEAVENS and the earth"

  9. #9


    so we have this now to chew on....

    We have just seen that once you take out the added bits the Bible turns out to be just listing for us what the lesser light rules over, and the big deal to that is that we dont have any reason at all to believe that the "stars" were made on the forth day!

    At Genesis 1:1 we see God create all the "Heavens" and this must include the stars, the moon, and our own sun, (its a star too)

    This means that while the Bible does not teach evolution, it also clearly does not teach Young earth creationism.

    But what does it teach then?
    It teaches a understanding of the creation of the universe and the creation of life that works within the common teachings of science including, (clears throat) including - EVOLUTION!

    There is no need for Christians to worry that the Bible might be talking about lights before any source is listed, because we have the listed source for all the lights given at Gen 1:1....."The heavens"!!!!

    The only conclusion a Bible student can come to is that all Young Earth Creationism is a big fat lie!....
    It has to be all a lie, because it's simply not found in the text.
    This means that its only twisted into the text to make the Bibel say what some people want it to say.

    In other words....its all based on a lie.

    The only support for YEC in the Bible is the things we add to the text.
    Take out the added bits, and suddenly you are left with an account of history that walks hand in hand with evolution and science.

    This also means that guys like Ken Ham who push books and websites that spread the teachings of Young earth creationism are in error.
    Such teachers are a cause of harm to the body of Christ.
    They are pushing ideas that are actally counter to the truth of the Bible, and there is no need for such silly teachings at all!
    The Text does not need our help, the text does not need us to add "he made" just so it can agree with other stuff we want it to say.

    If we take out the added bits we still have a very nice story to read, and most importantly, its not a story that agrees with YEC at all....

    To review...
    In the Bible the common source for all life, both animals and human, is the earth itself.

    This same thing is true in Evolution....

    There is no disagreement here between Evolution and Genesis.
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 08-08-2015 at 09:35 AM.

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