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Thread: Thi Anti-Christ and Mr Obama

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Carabbio View Post
    I've still got my copy of "88 Reasons the Rapture will occur in 1988"

    I got a good chuckle out of Mr Kelley's piece also. There's always some religious fool setting dates, and screaming about the sky falling.
    What got me was Jack Van Impe claiming that the rapture may occur on Dec, 12, 2012 the day that the mayan calender ends.

    I've always respected this man, he (seems) to know the bible inside and out by heart. If you've ever watched his program, he just lets scriptures roll off his tongue and he tells you exactly the book, verse and chapter. I've always found his knowledge of the bible astonishing. He's also very good with numbers.

    What I dont understand is how he got involved with this particular date-setting. To his defense, he never stated that the rapture WILL occur on that date, but he has said that he believes it very well COULD happen then. The evidence is very thought provoking, yet one cannot ignore what the bible says about this

    “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
    Mark 13:32

    Last edited by Kogseeker; 11-24-2008 at 01:02 PM.

  2. #2


    I never, ever try to predict when the Lord will come for his Church. I'm tempted to speculate (aren't we all?) but I never try to say that such and so is this and etc.

    I do look at events around the world and wonder "Lord, is your coming soon?"

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Kogseeker View Post

    What I dont understand is how he got involved with this particular date-setting. To his defense, he never stated that the rapture WILL occur on that date, but he has said that he believes it very well COULD happen then. The evidence is very thought provoking, yet one cannot ignore what the bible says about this

    “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
    Mark 13:32

    I had to go back and read the article again. This guy didn't say it will happen either, but just that as he sees it, that it could.

    Mark 13 lists out all the tribulation that will happen in the end times and then says this:

    24 "But in those days, after that tribulation, THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT,

    25 AND THE STARS WILL BE FALLING from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken.

    26 "Then they will see THE SON OF MAN COMING IN CLOUDS with great power and glory.

    That's interesting because I believe that there are many who expect that they will not see "The Tribulation".

    I've also read some who are saying that they do believe that Christians in America will be facing tribulation in the not too far future. Not "The Tribulation" but tribulation such as others in other countries are already suffering and have been for a long time.

  4. #4


    I still wonder though, because during the Book of Revelation, the greater part of it doesn't mention the Church at all during the Great Tribulation. It does mention the Jews though.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Leslie View Post
    I still wonder though, because during the Book of Revelation, the greater part of it doesn't mention the Church at all during the Great Tribulation. It does mention the Jews though.
    Yeah, I sure don't want to go through "The" tribulation but never the less, not my will but Yours Father. Honestly my mind is not made up completely either way, but I trust God regardless of how it turns out.

  6. #6


    I doubt Obama is the man of sin. But it is strange how he was able to come out of nowhere and achieve such popularity so soon. Millions of people practically worship him as a messiah figure.

    I'd keep my eyes on Prince El H***an from Jordon. I think he may be the man of sin.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisLaRock View Post
    I doubt Obama is the man of sin. But it is strange how he was able to come out of nowhere and achieve such popularity so soon.
    That was the same thing with Jimmy Carter. Jimmy who? People were saying in his time.

    Other past pseudo antichrists in america:

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt
    John F. Kennedy
    Henry Kissinger
    Ronald Wilson Reagan
    Bill Clinton
    Bill Gates
    George W. Bush

    Millions of people practically worship him as a messiah figure.
    Perhaps for a tiny minority of fanatics but not for the majority. The vast majority are seeing in him and in his teammates surrounding him, the beginning of a change for a more honest relationship between your country and the other nations in the world. The presidency of the eight last years was not very glorious.

    I'd keep my eyes on Prince El H***an from Jordon. I think he may be the man of sin.
    Obama is only the next president of the United States and we all expect and hope that he will be a great president. Certainly in this time of great challenges.


  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Trinity View Post
    That was the same thing with Jimmy Carter. Jimmy who? People were saying in his time.

    Other past pseudo antichrists in america:

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt
    John F. Kennedy
    Henry Kissinger
    Ronald Wilson Reagan
    Bill Clinton
    Bill Gates
    George W. Bush

    Perhaps for a tiny minority of fanatics but not for the majority. The vast majority are seeing in him and in his teammates surrounding him, the beginning of a change for a more honest relationship between your country and the other nations in the world. The presidency of the eight last years was not very glorious.

    Obama is only the next president of the United States and we all expect and hope that he will be a great president. Certainly in this time of great challenges.

    I voted for Jimmy Carter. He said he is Christian and I believed him. I don't know how old you are Trinity, but I never remember anyone equating any of the names you listed above with being the anti-Christ. Although I have heard many times that the Pope is the anti-Christ (something I don't agree with either).

    The person who wrote the article said he does not believe that Mr. Obama is the anti-Christ. But I can tell you there are many Christians in this country who believe that America is getting exactly what she(as a nation) has been asking for. From the 1960's (that's as far back as I can remember) this nation has been systematically turning it's back on God. We as a nation have told Him we don't want you in our lives, telling us what to do. So now we don't have Him. Things will only get worse for America and the world regardless of who is president of the U.S. Of course that's if you believe what the Bible says is true and not just a story.

    What puzzles me is why so many who are not Americans (and don't pay taxes to our government) hope for something from a president of another country? In Kenya, they were celebrating and saying now we will have better food and more ***s. Some called him Jesus saying he is their savior or messiah.

    Is Obama America's president or president of the world? This is why some people question if he could be the "one world leader".

    Most of those who don't live in America don't understand democracy or capitalism. Many here and in other countries don't want democracy, because their security, hopes, and dreams depend upon their government.

    The American way has been to not depend on the government to take care of you but to have the freedom to work hard and then be able to reap what you have sown, instead of having to give it over to the government who will now distribute it to everyone. (socialism) Along with God's blessing that is why America is the country it is today and has flourished. When it becomes just like everybody else (socialistic) then America will no longer be the home of the brave and the land of the free.

    Mr. Obama is a Socialist and wants to change us into that type of country. God placed him in authority and we as a nation may get exactly what the majority want. But that doesn't mean it will be good.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by sayso View Post
    I voted for Jimmy Carter. He said he is Christian and I believed him. I don't know how old you are Trinity, but I never remember anyone equating any of the names you listed above with being the anti-Christ. Although I have heard many times that the Pope is the anti-Christ (something I don't agree with either).
    I am old enough to know, and I also have a mind with a great rec***ude. I do not post lies intentionally.

    The Quiz
    For nearly 2000 years, believers have spent considerable energy trying to identify potential Antichrists in their midst using scripture, particularly Revelation, as their guide. Using the Antichrist characteristics described above, test your knowledge. In the following list, who have been labeled as an arch-deceiver and false messiah of the Last Days?

    Try the Quiz inside the link above.

    Last edited by Trinity; 01-24-2009 at 02:21 PM.

  10. #10


    Most who approach the subject of the antichrist do so from ignorance and / or they buy into extrabiblical nonsense or speculation. If only we would heed the scriptures.

    If we look for signs of the antichrist in the Bible the way we do for the signs of Christ, we will learn much. One thing being, antichrist is just the Greek way of saying false messiah. Most speculation falls apart to realize this always was an in house matter (in the house of Israel).

    Israel is a vehicle for dealing with good versus evil. And as much as most Christians either deny it or are ig norant of the fact... we are included in the House of Israel (Romans 11:16-26)

    John 5:43 I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if {when} someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.

    There are many other hints / clues / prophecies...


    Last edited by johnd; 08-02-2012 at 08:50 PM.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Trinity View Post
    I am old enough to know, and I also have a mind with a great rec***ude. I do not post lies intentionally.

    The Quiz
    For nearly 2000 years, believers have spent considerable energy trying to identify potential Antichrists in their midst using scripture, particularly Revelation, as their guide. Using the Antichrist characteristics described above, test your knowledge. In the following list, who have been labeled as an arch-deceiver and false messiah of the Last Days?

    Try the Quiz inside the link above.

    How funny. I don't believe you would lie intentionally Trinity. I just don't ever remember these names being on "the list".

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by sayso View Post
    How funny. I don't believe you would lie intentionally Trinity. I just don't ever remember these names being on "the list".
    Ok, no problem. The Quiz was fun.

    This list can be much longer. Some have started to look at Obama as the antichrist. This is sensationalist and ridicule. How people can look at the christianity seriously after all these false reports about the antichrist?

    Last edited by Trinity; 01-24-2009 at 10:59 PM.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by sayso View Post
    What puzzles me is why so many who are not Americans (and don't pay taxes to our government) hope for something from a president of another country? In Kenya, they were celebrating and saying now we will have better food and more ***s.
    Since the U.S.A. is the world's sole superpower, U.S. foreign policy (and hence the U.S. President) does indeed affect the rest of the world. Also, the health of the U.S. economy affects the economy of the rest of the world.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Kogseeker View Post
    What got me was Jack Van Impe claiming that the rapture may occur on Dec, 12, 2012 the day that the mayan calender ends.

    I've always respected this man, he (seems) to know the bible inside and out by heart. If you've ever watched his program, he just lets scriptures roll off his tongue and he tells you exactly the book, verse and chapter. I've always found his knowledge of the bible astonishing. He's also very good with numbers.

    What I dont understand is how he got involved with this particular date-setting. To his defense, he never stated that the rapture WILL occur on that date, but he has said that he believes it very well COULD happen then. The evidence is very thought provoking, yet one cannot ignore what the bible says about this

    “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
    Mark 13:32
    That's true. But on the other hand, intuition is not knowledge even when it comes out correct.

  15. #15


    The Anti-Christ is said to be a leader who arises from the revived Roman Empire. That would be the European Union, and mean Anti-Christ would most likely be a white European man. Obama obviously doesn't fit that description.

    At best, Obama will be one of the leaders who sets the stage for a one world government. Henery Kissinger made the remark that Obama would be the one to usher in the 'New World Order'.

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