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Thread: Book of Mormon Witnesses - Pt 2 - The Eight

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    Default Book of Mormon Witnesses - Pt 2 - The Eight

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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    This is nice 3rd hand heresay evidence by then AntiMormons.... The only problem is that there exists 10 times the same amount of FIRST HAND evidence that claims that they did see and feel the plates WITH THIER NATURAL EYES. What's left out of this video is the fact that a lot of that first hand evidence from the witnesses to the Golden Plates, was said in order to deny that they had said otherwise, and to deny the claims of Bennett et al mentioned in the video.
    The irony is that most of these claims in favor of the Plates and the Book of Mormon came from some of The 11 Witness who were then AntiMormons themselves and had no longer any reason to keep up the charade, and everything to gain by denying their testimony.

    So on the one hand we have a few 3rd hand heresay evidence by people who were attacking the Church.

    While on the other hand we have at least 200 FIRST person claims by people who were actually there and were witness to the Plates, claiming it was true.

    You decide which is true.

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