Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
He was a horny dude...all the time on the hunt for tail...
If you think for one moment that I have said that he "only" went after girls who were full Mormon then you have totally misunderstood what I was saying.

its true that we see from the record that Smith was a child molester and a pervert who went after even the married wives of his followers..

But from his behavior its not hard to believe that any young girl in sight was under the guy's eye....as he looked for that next sexual encounter...

I mean, didnt he also have sex with the young poor girls that needed a place to just stay?....

that sure sounds like a guy would would have tapped anything he could nail with a pulse...
You know what is the most sad?? You sound like you ADMIRE this "Joseph Smith". Like you're actually jealous of all the tail he got. I can't understand why else you would talk about all these specifics that aren't even part of any stories. But it didn't happen, he doesn't exist, and that's so sad for you.

Ok....NOW I'm taking a break, this is getting nowhere fast.