Mormons like to pretend that they have no relationship with the FLDS, the Fundamenatlist Mormons, but the Utahite Mormons and the Fundamentalists share a common heritage. The Fundamentalists are the ones who never gave into the USA Federal government's order that the Mormon cult stop practicing polygamy (or they would not become a state). Woodruff, one of the LDS false prophets, caved to the government, and despite the words of former Mormon prophets that said that polygamy was something that the cult would always practice, the cult supposedly ceased its practice (except in Mexico) to appease the authorities. So much for the "eternal" practice of polygamy.

But some Mormons didn't go along with the suspension of polygamy, and founded separate groups with their own "prophets," and still followed the "old" teachings of Smith and Young. This video explains:

Brigham Young said this about polygamy:

""Now if any of you will deny the plurality of wives, and continue to do so, I promise that you will be ****ed," (Journal of Discourses, vol. 3, p. 266). Also, "The only men who become Gods, even the Sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy," (Journal of Discourses, vol. 11, p. 269)."

and from Mormon Profit, John Taylor:

"- Prophet John Taylor, Journal of Discourses, v. 11, p. 221

“It would be as easy for the United States to build a tower to remove the sun, as to remove polygamy, or the Church and kingdom of God."

And from Profit Woodruff:

"- Prophet Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Discourses, v. 13, pp. 165-166

“Efforts have been made among us to change this condition of affairs. There have been, and still are, perhaps, some who call themselves Latter-day Saints, who are almost ready to lend themselves to any scheme that has for its object the obtaining of a State organization for Utah. Such persons look upon this as so great a blessing and so great a boon, that they are almost willing to forego their religious belief and to pander to those who have got power, and to make some sort of a concession to them, in order to achieve this, what they consider, very desirable end. There has been some agitation in years past respecting plural marriage, and some people, calling themselves Latter-day Saints, have been almost ready to go into the open market, and bid for a State government, at the price of conceding this principle of our religion, for the privilege of becoming a State of the Union. Those who are ready to do this are ready also to cast off obedience to the Priesthood of the Son of God, and to say, "We do not believe that men who hold an office in the Church should have any voice in the affairs of the State." They are ready to sell out their belief as Latter-day Saints, and their veneration and reverence for that power which God has restored, for the sake of obtaining a little recognition of their rights as citizens, on the part of those in power. It does not require much familiarity with the Spirit of God, or with the principles of our holy religion to understand exactly the position that such persons as these to whom I allude, occupy among us. When a man is ready to barter any principle of salvation for worldly advantage, that man certainly has reached the position that he esteems worldly advantage above eternal salvation. Can such persons retain the Spirit of God, and take such a course as this? No, they cannot. That other spirit will lead such persons astray, and they will be left to themselves. Will there be such persons continue among us and be ***ociated with us? I do not question it. I expect we shall have such characters with us, during our future career as we have had in the past. We have had all sorts of people connected with this Church. As the work rolls forth, as it increases in numbers, so will these characters increase--that is, for a certain time, until the day comes when the kingdom of God and the reign of righteousness shall be fully ushered in.”

This is the Mormon leader (Woodruff) who suspended polygamy in his "manifesto."

so, I believe the FLDS are the real Mormons, for when you read the statements of Mormon "profits," it's obvious that the ones who caved to the Feds are the apostates!