Quote Originally Posted by dberrie2000 View Post
Seeing the Biblical text is canonized scripture in the LDS church--are you claiming there are no Biblical m****cripts?

Berry posted:

Originally Posted by DrDavidT [IMG]http://www.waltermartin.com/forums/images/****ons/viewpost-right.png[/IMG]
You do realize that there are no extant ancient m****cripts which quote, allude, refer to any mormon scripture don't you?

The mormon religion may CLAIM to use the Bible, but the Bible is FAR FROM being 'mormon text.' The Bible existed LONG BEFORE joe smith invented his religious cult.

Your 'response' is childish and beyond ignorant (and YOU KNOW IT!) If you had an HONEST answer to give to Dr DavidT's claim, you would certainly offer it; but of course you cannot so you resort to this kind of 'baby response' instead.

It figures. It demonstrates the lack of spiritual and mental maturity mormons have.