Quote Originally Posted by dberrie2000 View Post
I believe most people would have a hard time reconciling these statements to one another:

Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post The humanity of Jesus did not even exist before the incarnation
Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post QUESTION : So--did Jesus Christ have eternal life before He became mortal and died? ANSWER : No.
Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post Yes, while at the same time Jesus always had eternal life.

I have noticed you have not attempted to collate them either.
Let's first establish that LDS/Mormons are not saved, and therefore do not have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and therefore the ability to understand this doctrine. The Holy Spirit was given to "believers" only, who teaches us all things. (John 14:28).

Unfortunately, Mormons do not receive this Advocate, and therefore do not have the benefit of this intimate insight into the Gospel, and that's why you have such a difficult time understanding Christian doctrines.

It has already been explained that Jesus has two natures, and that should cause a rational person to easily understand what has been said. But allow me to put into laymen terms. Perhaps that will help.

God has chosen to manifest Himself in three Persons. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus is BOTH fully God, and fully man. When Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, Jesus the man physically came into existence. That doesn't mean He didn't exist prior to that, but only in Spirit form. God the Son has always existed, since He is God, but Jesus the man did not exist in BOTH human and Divine form until His birth to Mary. That should make sense to anyone trying to understand. You may not agree with the premise, but that is the concept.

Prior to Christ's human birth, He existed as God the Son and Jesus, but again, God the Son has always existed because He is of the same essence as the Father, but Jesus the human/Divine hybrid did not exist physically until He was born of a human, the virgin Mary.

This is probably confusing to you because pagans do not have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and therefore don't have the ability to understand why this was necessary. So I'm not going to try and explain it to you because due to your spiritual ignorance, you would just not understand and we both would become frustrated. I could better use my time by sharing the Gospel with you and pray that the Holy Spirit will tap you on the shoulder and get your attention, and you will turn from paganism and the teachings of false prophets, to the True Jesus Christ and His Good News Gospel of mercy and forgiveness, rather than the impossible gospel of Mormonism.