Quote Originally Posted by dberrie2000 View Post
How does the presence of a seer stone somehow cover up or cancel out the fact Joseph Smith also was in possession of the Urim and Thummim?

As Joseph Smith testified to--he started out using the Urim and Thummim--but it was very cumbersome to bear--and the translation could only be conducted in a short spurts at a time, as he tired of the weight quickly.

As Joseph Smith's skills increased, he found he could use other objects, such as a seer stone--to receive revelation in the translation process, which accelerated the translation process. He later found he could use his own mind as a means to receive revelation.

SUCH NONSENSE! HOW STUPID do you have to be to believe such SUPERS***IOUS JUNK RELIGION? Doesn't the mere fact that your religion has to stoop to such low levels of SUPERS***ION tell you something about joey and his trash?

And I suppose his 'urim and thummin' went 'poof' and disappeared too, so nobody could check its authenticity as an ancient artifact?

It figures. Typical smith trash religious behavior. Invent something to talk about, then 'poof.'