Quote Originally Posted by dberrie2000 View Post
How does one spam "out of the Bible"? By posting scriptures which testify against one's theology? By posting them too often?

The Bible is repe***ive--it preaches the same things over and over.

Again--I believe it's the fact I post the Biblical scriptures which testify against one's theology, which represents the objection.

If I were to post only a few scriptures--that would be one thing. Alan--I post a lot of different scriptures over and over. Again--more scriptures than all the posters combined--in the last year. Probably much more.

Why are we not seeing the call for MORE Biblical discussion and quotes? I'm not going to busy myself with the yada-yada--we need more Biblical based discussion, with the particular verses--and forget our own man-made opinions, and personal arguments.

My question, again--where are those who use the Bible here? Where are they? They claim to be Christians, and yet--either do not engage Biblical discussions, resort to diversion away from the Bible-- deny what is found in the Biblical quotes--or complain of those who do use the Bible often.

Why? Why have you threatened me with banning if I use the Biblical scriptures too often? Too much? Why are those here complaining about the use of the Bible too often?

Why is using the Bible too often considered "spamming" here? Again--if it is just one or two verses one is using--then I would agree. But that is not the case for me--I use numerous Biblical scriptures, from every Book found in the Biblical NT.

Don't the users of this board find it strange that one is being threatened with banning because they use the Bible too often?
I think Alan answered this quite clearly:

The Bible scriptures are a source of SPAM on this site and God is NOT a member.