'biggie' posted:

Quote Originally Posted by Christian View Post
God expects nothing from us TO MAKE US HIS CLEANSED CHILDREN. My own children are expected to do nothing to BE my children. They could even fall into a cesspool and REMAIN MY CHILDREN, though they might SMELL BAD.

But as teens they WERE expected to mow the lawn, carry out the trash, make their beds, clean their rooms etc, NOT TO BE MY KIDS, NOT TO GET INTO OUR HOUSE, but because it was their DUTY to do so out of love for their parents.

We don't have to "DO STUFF" to 'earn our way to heaven. or to 'help God out' in getting us there. We ARE told to do stuff because we LOVE GOD, NOT TO 'get into heaven' or to 'be allowed into our home,'

IF you believe that YOU must 'clean up your act' to be one of God's children, then your man-made religion has taught you falsehoods. YOU have nothing 'spotless' in YOURSELF to offer Him as a sacrifice. ONLY JESUS qualified to do that.

There is nothing to restore. The TRUTH, THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST has been present for about 2,000 years now, and HIS BODY the church HAS NEVER DIED, OR EVEN BEEN WEAKENED.

There have been MANY APOSTASIES in Christianity just as there have been in joey smith's own religion (If you would like a list of 150 or so of them, I can provide it for you. . .I've posted it to this forum before.


But then smith's religion has changed with the public sentiments of the times. They keep trying to become more like mainline Christianity, while still believing in a 'spirit-brother-of-satan-'jesus'. But it will never work.

Blacks seem to no longer 'bear the mark of Cain' and now they can be part of your religion's 'priesthood,' even though previous presidents of your religion have called them 'lower' than whites, and stated CLEARLY that they could never hold your 'priesthood.'

Your cult has lied to you, Julie
Nice, but not a scripturally backed.

PROVE IT! You cannot demonstrate by SCRIPTURE OR BY HISTORY that Jesus' church ever failed to exist, ever lost ANYTHING AT ALL (not their authority, not their scriptures, not the Gospel), OR that joey smith was anything more than a hack religionist heretic and a conman.

But don't ask a mormon. That would be like asking a white supremacist if white supremacy is right or wrong. The answer is built into the conned cultists.

While we are saved by grace, he extends his grace to those who love him; hence, God commands us to love him.

And to CHRISTIANS, GOD GIVES US THE LOVE for Him. To you heathens someone ELSE gives you emotions towards false gods like evil spirit-brothers-of-satan.

Act 10:34 -35 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

And JUST HOW can YOU work ANYTHING RIGHTEOUSNESS on your own? Jesus accepts EVERY PERSON EVERYWHERE who HAS FAITH IN THE REAL JESUS. Believing in satanic 'spirit-brothers-of-satan' is NOT righeousness at all.


IF you have FAITH IN THE REAL Jesus (not the demon of the mormons), your FAITH is counted as righteousness. Not your 'good works,' but FAITH:

Rom 4:5-8

5 But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness, 6 just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works:
7 "Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven,
And whose sins are covered;
8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin."

Sorry, but you can't earn 'brownie points' with God by 'doing stuff.' On your own, you have nothing to offer but your own filthy rags.

Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

(Notice, it is referring to the book of life?_

And the 'works' we CHRISTIANS are judged by are works of RIGHTEOUSNESS that HE works through us. They are not our own. WE are not our own. WE belong to HIM. The REAL Jesus, not your demonic mormon one.