Quote Originally Posted by dberrie2000 View Post
Your statement that Protestants and Catholics are of the same faith and religion--with the same core teachings--just about says it all.
Like I said, you can go from one church to the next and while they have their own individual ways of being organized and do have teachings that I may disagree with, what you also see is that the core teachings of the Christian faith are found in both major branches of the christian church...

The way I see it it's like this..

For the essentials we have unity
For the nonessential we have diversity
and in all things we show charity .....

The hand is not lesser in the body just because it's not the foot....
Nor is the foot more of the body than the hand.

This does not mean that the hand or the foot cant serve their own purpose and do things that the other simply can not do by design.
But it also mean that both the hand and the foot are of the one body...