erunder posted:

Originally Posted by Christian View Post
The problem of WHO IS IN WHICH 'family' and their ages.
Well, we're actually all one big family. And I don't think age is relevant when you're eternal.

So you think we will ALL be Big/Small, diapered/dressed in adult clothing and small/large all at the same time???

WHO WILL LIVE IN YOUR MANSION (literally a 'tent.')? YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE ALONE? You, your spouse and your children when they were small? You, your spouse, your adult children and their little children? You, your spouse, your adult children and THEIR adult children with THEIR tiny children?. . .ETC ETC ETC AD INFINITUM?
I think Jesus was speaking metaphorically, meaning that we was going to prepare a place for us to dwell in his Father's presence. But what if we are all living together in one giant house. Why would that be a problem?

For the mormons that would be a problem because they are misrepresenting the whole concept; they promote the 'family' as being the 'family unit' in the pictures it publishes. . .just mommy, daddy, son, and daughter. ONE generation, LOCAL, NOT THE REALITY.


According to mormon teachings. . .
PART of their family might be exalted (on one planet)
PART of their 'family' (A TELESTIAL [a made-up word] a SECOND LOCATION)
A THIRD PART of their 'family' might be on earth (a THIRD LOCATION)


the mormon religion tells you that 'families are forever' as if your current family unit will all remain TOGETHER ONE nice place.

I guess FRAUD is a good term for what the mormon religion does.