erunder posted:

Originally Posted by Christian View Post
No, but it DOES MEAN that Biblical Salvation is NOT 'saving' you from physical death as you claimed.
So your claim is that the Bible denies the resurrection?

You are being INTENTIONALLY IGNORANT. No, I am pointing out to you that SALVATION is NOT 'saving you from physical death. YOU WILL PHYSICALLY DIE, just like everyone else.

SALVATION REMAINS reference to the FORGIVENESS OF SINS, paid for by JESUS CHRIST (the REAL ONE) on the cross, nearly 2,000 years ago.

And yet you don't believe the five items I listed even though they're all Biblical.

Yet YOU don't seem to have any 'five items' listed that I can find.
Please list them again. . .IF THE BIBLE SAYS IT IN CONTEXT I WILL BELIEVE EVERY WORD OF IT. But of course almost always you throw verses out there OUT OF CONTEXT of what the Bible ACTUALLY SAYS.

So REPOST your '5 items' and we will look at them.

In the meantime, please stop playing the 'intentionally ignorant' game. It is not a game worthy of an adult imho