Quote Originally Posted by Columcille View Post
I am only saying that there is no continuity that any one Protestant sect that we know today existed alongside the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. When you see diagrams and historically trace any one denomination... they have influences and roots into those groups that left the Catholic Church. Church of Christ has roots in the Presbyterians. Methodists have roots in the Anglican Church. Lutheran and Anglicans have roots in the Catholic Church. Even the Reformed Churches started from former members of the Catholic Church. If you can show evidence that any one Protestant denomination existed alongside the Catholic Church and Orthodox Churches... then present such evidence.

But to give you something to chew on, I like your WWII survivor ****ogy. Because the Bible to be picked up would indicate a few things. For one, it must have been translated and copied by competent scholars. As such, there must be a continuity of a transmission from the churches that first received the epistles and gospels. Now the literacy rate was not exactly as high as by today and making of papryus was not a cheap thing to do. Education was rather expensive. So the preservation of the texts of Scripture to be copied and commented on belonged to a Church that was universal in scope by the authority of the bishops. As such, we do not see any church alongside the Catholic and Orthodox that maintained or recieved the Scriptures, much less debate about what cons***uted Scripture. If you attempt to try, you are quoting Catholic and Orthodox saints and theologians. You in short take for granted that a transmission exists, even your ****ogy shows that a transmission is possible on a limited basis. We are both Christian, in the relationship we have with our mutual Lord. One just is more complete than the other in its fullness of that message... this is where we have to agree to disagree.
You have by-p***ed the most important part of this scenario with the saved survivor. He has received reconciliation with God and he has done this without Catholicism or Protestantism. Do you deny this? It appears that you have, since you have failed to address this all important point. Please do not remind me again of your false theory that the RC's are responsible for the canon of Scriptures. Address the main and all pervasive point here - has this survivor been reconciled to God in your theology? If you fail to address this, then I will not play any further games with you. Be serious, or be silent.