The Protestants were protesting the practices of the medieval Church which the modern RCC has admitted were wrong. You had as Erasmas put it "so many splinters of the True Cross you could build noah's ark!" and not to mention the horrid practice of Indulgences so the Popes could build gigantic cathedrals and monuments. Need I also mention the Pornocracy which in its day basically saw *****s and courtesons ruling Rome via the Papacy!

Were the Protestants perfect? Surely not, but at least they pointed out these things that were wrong. The thing with Protestantism is, you cannot just judge them all together as one, because we aren't one organization the same way the RCC is by comparason. We agree mostly on all the core issues, we just have differences of opinion with regardes to some aspects.

You judge us as individuals, if you have the right to judge us at all.