Quote Originally Posted by Austin Canes View Post
Let those nations get over it. Human rights matter MOST. TO me, immigration is a mostly separate issue.
Human rights in those other countries do matter, and so our relationship could severly affect any human rights victories we have won so far. The ****sexuals in our country fair a lot better than in the Middle East and elsewhere. And if you want to see how we meddle in foriegn affairs, and the lessons learned from it, I suggest you read about how the CIA helped in Iran, and how that seriously backfired. If you want America to be viewed even more as a society of infidels, thereby causing more of a religious conservative backlash within Islam nations, I think it would be tragic toward the progress we have made for women in those countries we have liberated. I think there are more human rights violations worldwide against women than against ****sexuals, because ****sexuality is a very minor grouping and also you should be concerned with the human rights violations against women, because where they progress with them, the ****sexuals have hope in progress also. If anything, it is best settle on a state by state basis. Small town America does not need some city slicker to tell them how to run their business, and vice versa.