“First of all many people do see ****sexuality as a sin and our God does say this act is an abomination.”

Uh, I know that. You are not telling me anything I don’t already know with that information.

“He is your God too by the way whether you want Him or not, and that is not a slam against you just a fact.”

HA! I am mine own redeemer. That is not a slam against you, just a fact.

I cannot stop people from "wanting" to do anything but a society without morals and laws will soon crumble.

“There are many people who "want" to steal, rape, kill and a variety of other acts God also considers to be sin and I'm sure you would not want these to become legal. Now I am not equating the desires of ****sexuals with rape and murder, I am making a point
about where ignoring God's law will lead.”

Whether or not you feel like you are equating ****sexual desire with rape or murder; it is still a slippery slope argument, and that is a logical fallacy.

“Everyone does deserve to love and be loved, but ****sexuality is not about love but sex. There are many men who love other men but do not engage in sex with them. We were not created to sodomize one another man or women.”

That is not true. I know several gay couples and it is not just about sex. Love is a big part of their relationship and you can’t tell me any different because they are my friends, I have seen them interact and I know there is love. Yes there are men who love other men but don’t engage in sex with one another. I love my grandpa but I wouldn’t have sex with him for a few reasons. 1. Incest is just plain gross. 2. I am not gay. I love my friends who are guys but wouldn’t have sex with them because, well, I am not gay. I have friends who are girls that I love, but I don’t have sex with them because sex has a tendency to complicate things between friends, or I just am not physically attracted to them. I am not sure if you know this but sodomy is any sexual act besides intercourse between a man and a woman in missionary position. Sodomy is illegal in several states to this day, but they can’t enforce that law. Even a god fearing person has to realize the importance of a healthy sex life in a relationship and how to keep it healthy sometimes we need to mix it up and let the woman be on top.

“God made man and woman obviously different to fit together in marriage, each
one honoring and respecting the other in love.”

Have you seen most married couples these days? Honor and respect have taken a back seat to the size of bank accounts *****es and breasts. Something like 65% of marriages will fail. There are some couples who are married and will stay that way but for the most part, marriage is becoming a somewhat pointless act.

“We were not created to do whatever we please to, or with someone else.”

Whoa, hold on just one second; I thought “God” gave us free will.

“There are men who think they love small children and wish to have sex with them, should that be allowed?”

Well first of all there are also woman like that out there as well. Secondly, no, I don’t think that should be allowed. A child has not developed mentally in order to make such a decision. Children are very easily manipulated by adults; because as children, we are taught to respect adults. These people you speak of do not “love small children” they are infatuated with them, people consider it a disease, I think all pedophiles should be publicly executed, but that is a different story.

“Condoning immoral behavior by saying it is legal does hurt my family because surly it will lead to worse and more perverse behavior.”

Please, enlighten me as to what behavior it will lead to. I will politely ask that you do not revert to any slippery slope arguments.

“Sin has a detrimental effect on society so the idea that what one does in privacy does not harm others is false.”

Well how is it harming me? How is it harming you? How? How? How?

“ There are absolute truths and morals and logically must come from One who is absolutly moral and truthful.”

God is anything but absolutely moral. Have you actually read the bible? I have read both the OT and the NT. There are some pretty gruesome immoral things going on in there that “God” not only allowed to happen, but condone as well.

“God has given us boundries to protect us, we would do well to listen to His law. But as I know and you know humans have a hard time keeping away from things that will harm us and that will seperate us from God. That is why we need a Savior and Redeemer and when we finally realize that we need something that we can't do for ourselves
break the hold of sin on our lives, God offers us freedom and life through Jesus Christ.”

So it doesn’t bother you that you are essentially forcing your religious beliefs on people? By being for the ban on gay marriage and using your religion as a basis for it you have become a fascist. We all know where fascism leads don’t we?