Quote Originally Posted by sunofmysoul View Post
this brings into question for me...the "playing God" with contraceptives...
or bringing children into existence with a little "help" for those who can't have them...
and then if we go there...what of saving lives with medicine? life support systems, and what not...
at what point do we draw the line, with the knowledge we gain in science and the medical field?

Daniel I think your op is a great thread starter....
One has to actually think about what one believes about the whole...
"blanket of grace" thingy (which is not actually in the Bible) and all those other little interesting doctrines...

Not to mention....how we are to use wisdom of science and medicine, that we gain, in the most moral and beneficial way...(heck of a lotta responsibility...)
Thought provoking.
I favor birth control, first trimester abortion on demand, and science that keeps us healthy and extends our life expectency.
I object to having children we can't afford to care for, forcing people to have children they don't want, and witholding life saving treatment from the elderly, if they want it.
If we can say, 'don't play god' by using birth control, or providing abortion services, it stands to reason that we should not 'play god' by taking extraordinary steps to save premmies, or resuscitating heart attack victims, vaccinating the population against disease, or giving antibotics to cure grandma's pnuemonia.