Quote Originally Posted by Vlad III View Post
A) You feel made fun of?????

B) I'm not here to 'make fun', but to help expose the bad logic, double-standards, and hypocrisy of those whose intent is to try and tear down another person's religion only to replace it with....in some cases (like Russ) who knows?

C) You really shouldn't think that just becasue I haven't addressed your 4th AoF you should not ***ume I am at all 'overwhelmed' by your questions.

D) I've never posted at MADB. I've read posts there, but do not post there.

A. I see you trying... You failed..
B. Show me where I have had bad logic, held double standards, or showed any sign of hypocrisy.. You addressed this posting answer to one of mine so there must be something about it that conforms to this attack.. I have even told you to stay mormon.. being such is not the problem. The problem is in idolatry.. Joseph Smith taught idolatry in teaching that there are Gods and not just God..
C. I do ***ume that yes..
D. You should start.. There you won't find any resistance at all to your different gospel or your different Jesus...

IHS jim