Quote Originally Posted by sayso View Post
Prayer is for people who hope. I remember a time in my life when I had absolutely no hope concerning anything.

And prayer is certainly not for those looking for a quick fix. Some things I pray about and I get an answer within minutes, hours or days. Also, most times the answer isn't what I want or think it should be, but in the long run is what is best for me.

Other things I have been praying about for 30 years and still have not seen an answer. But I still hope for it and still pray for it.

I don't pray for "things" because when I was born I brought nothing into the world and will take nothing with me when I leave. If I have enough for today then that is enough.

I believe time is the most valuable thing we are given. Each of us has been allotted a certain amount and are free to spend it as we choose. I want to get the most out of what I've been given. I don't want to waste a minute.

I think part of the reason I feel this way is because my father died when I had just turned 14 years of age. I missed him growing up and I still miss him. But the things I remember about him are not what gifts he bought me but the time he spent with me.

We didn't buy a kite to fly in the spring, he made them always and boy did they fly high. He loved fishing and I went right along with him (I am female). He taught me to do things for myself. I had to put the worms on the hook, take the fish off the hook, untangle my own snags and tangled line, and if I chose to take the fish home I had to clean it.

God has taught me what things are truly valuable in life; people and your relationship with them. Prayer isn't just asking for things you think will make you happy, it is talking to a heavenly Father with Whom you have a relationship.
Very good post Sayso.
