
you wrote:

"no i don't, you should have supplied the osurce for your work or i could charge you with plagerism."

Uh, chief, you do realize you posted THIS SOURCE YOURSELF HERE FIRST, RIGHT? Look at your first post in this thread and then look at post #12 in this thread. Look familiar? It's the same info taken from the SAME ARTICLE THAT YOU POSTED WITHOUT ATTRIBUTION. I just posted the WHOLE article while you did not. And I, unlike you, posted the name of the article and the author's name. So who is really the plagiarist here, chief?

You anti-Catholics make me laugh. The hypocrisy of anti-Catholics knows no bounds! And here you didn't even know what you were posting or where it was from! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

"but then you credibility is hanging by less than a thread as it is."

(snicker) That's hilarious coming after the gaff you just made. Your sciolism has completely removed you from the field of credibility, chief.

"why doesn't apply to this question as it would entail that other posters had the ability to read minds, some long dead and inactive, so you are very off base."

Nope. I am right on target. Why would someone not have a 'side' about indulgences bother to write about indulgences? That's unlikely to begin with. Thus, it is unlikely you'll ever find someone who would ever fit your bill of 'independent'.

"i would not accept a RCC version except for comparison value to see the differences and would most likely side with th eindependent view as they have nothing to hide, which many RCC people do."

I think you won't accept it because you can't compete with it. You lose again.

"by the way, indulgences is NOT a scriptural teaching and is a heresy but i will look through your stuff and independent sources but i am busy at the moment so it may take a few days."

Make all the claims you want, but I don't see you refuting the above article. You know, that article that you first posted but were too ill-informed about and apparently lacked such scholarly interest in that you never bother to check out it who was the author and where it came from?


You're going to leave this thread now too, right? You've left the others, so with this latest embarr***ment it seems inevitable.